16 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

25th May 2008 11:17
I, like so many people on Marapets, come here for a good time. Now, however, I've cracked. If this offends anyone, just stop reading. If staff doesn't like this, just delete it. I don't care, I just have to say this.
First off, Ian, the advertisments on here are seriously nasty. I want to barf whenever I see them. If I want to see nasty images or be grossed out, I'll go into a teenage boys bedroom, look under his bed, and pull out a Playboy Magazine. Yes, it really is that bad.
Secondly, newbies, I fully understand that you're new, but COME ON! If you are wrong on pet prices, say you're sorry and leave it at that. Learn from your mistakes. But can you do that? No. You have to push people and insist that your azul is worth a hobo chibs. If you don't have a brain, grow one.
Thirdly, actually fix the errors! You can take the time to make a stupid little crying troit, but you can't take the time to actually fix the problem? Pathetic. Mail has been down for nearly two weeks, questions aren not being replied to, it's annoying!
Fourthly, we really don't care who won the raffle. Think of some real news.
Fifthly, it's a PET site, not a CHARACTER site. Make new things for pets NOT characters.
Sixthly, it helps if you're acctually on the site that you made Ian. Seriously, good people leave the site every day because you never fix the problems. Most of us have been out of mail for MONTHS, while the rest of us can't even post on forums because of errors.