I used my wheelchair for the first time yesterday!
5 years, 6 months & 26 days ago

18th Aug 2019 16:09
Yesterday I used my wheelchair for the first time! I don't really expect anyone to read this- I just need a place to gush that's easily accessible. (Because apparently, my notes app isn't?)
I've been housebound for a year or so, and kind of started playing Marapets again because of it. I had and still do have a LOT of free time.

I was too ambitious and tried to wheel straight from our house to the train station, forgetting that we have sloped pavements. I nearly slid into the road on multiple occasions..

Once we got to town, though, it was flatter and I was way more confident!
My partner pushed me when I got tired which was great because I could have a break. We got to the museum and I could wheel around freely! It was completely accessible!
I've never felt so free!
We visited all 3 floors and saw ALL the exhibits! I've never done that before. Usually, I have to stop at 1 exhibit and save the rest of my energy to go home.
But we got to see everything and then we got to go have lunch!
I had a travel wheelchair before this but I was super limited in where I could go because it was dependant on my partner pushing me to that specific spot. With this, though? I can make tiny adjustments. I can move by myself. It's great.
I'm still going to walk when I can, but I'm so happy I can go on big days out now.