Quiz lovers come!
14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago

13th Jun 2010 17:47
That's right! It's a QUIZ! Take it if you want to know What kind of person you are!
1.What is your dream pet?
D.Something Exotic
2.Let's say your friend dares you to go to a haunted house. Your inside and hear a howling noise!What was it?
A.My active imagination
B.Just a stray dog
D.I didn't go
3.Your at the Beach alone when you see a ship in the water! What do you think it carries?
A.It's my active imagination at work
B.It's just a ship
D.I don't like the beach!
4.A fortune teller says that you have a bad future ahead of you!How do you react?
A.I hope It's just my imagination!
B.Fortune Tellers are never right
D.I hate fortune tellers!Why would I go to one?
5.Your in a clearing when you hear moaning!You investigate and a ghost of your pet who died is staring up at you!
A.It's my...wait a minute.I never owned any pets!I'm usually to busy imagining!
B.*Pat,Pat*"Good boy/girl!"
C."Oh No,You've found me!I'm sorry I forgot to feed you!"*Runs Away Screaming*"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
D."I've already moved on!"*Walks away*
Anwser Key:
Mostly A's-Your Imaginative!Your ALWAYS imagining things!That can be good for convincing yourself that things don't exsist!
Mostly B's-Your Calm!Nothing can scare you! Even if your friends freak out at something you can just be there all calm and thinking "That's nothing."
Mostly C's-Your Timid!You can be scared at every little thing!Even illusions scare you!Chill.There's a bright side though!Running away from troubles and scares has made you an awesome runner!Good stamina too!
Mostly D's-Your Finiky!Your a spoiled brat!You usually get anything you want!You only like certian things.Atleast you can stand up for friends(if you have any)and yourself with that attitude!
Post what you got here!(And if you like it post that too!