PETS for trade.
15 years, 3 months & 2 days ago

12th Dec 2009 08:42
I dont have a lot of pets and they all are not really cool, but if u like one or two my pets they all are for trade. Just mm me if u want one.
15 years, 3 months & 2 days ago

12th Dec 2009 08:38
Sometimes i create fashion shows on forum.
1st place winner gets 100k and random thingy.
2nd place winner gets random thing.
3rd place winner gets random thing.
Ok. This was my first fashion show. :
1st plase winner : misscash
2nd place winner : Susaane
3rd place winner : mileycyrus0900
Girls u all were great! (:
Someday i will create another fashion show.
My Marapets Family. Lol.
15 years, 4 months & 9 days ago

5th Nov 2009 13:01
Okay, post if you want to be something. LOL xDD
xoxorachixoxo - King Kong.
Some Lithuanian words. xxxxxxxxxx
15 years, 4 months & 10 days ago

4th Nov 2009 12:18
I am from Lithuania. This is a small country in Europe near the Baltic Sea.
Lithuanian flag here:
Here are some Lithuanian words and phrases :
Friendship - Draugyst??
Friend - Draugas
Sun - Saul??
Moon - M??nulis
Name - Vardas
Love - Meil??
Flover - G??l??
Hello - Labas
Book - Knyga
Dog - ??uo
Cat - Kat??
School - Mokykla
One - Vienas
Two - Du
Three - Trys
House - Namas
Song - Daina
Letter - Lai??kas
I love you - A?? tave myliu
My name is.... - Mano vardas....
I live in.... - A?? gyvenu....
I like.... - Man patinka....
Hope u like it.
Umm. If you want to know more MM meh. (:
So, A?? Jus Visus Myliu. (I Love You All.)
