15 years, 1 month & 1 day ago

10th Feb 2010 21:43
debz39, Edie7, sammychinchins and samalishish all log on this computer, please don't freeze us!
Goals for Esme
15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago

31st Jan 2010 13:33
Current Goal:
Read 100 books
New Goal:
Listen to 100 CDs
New Goal:
Watch 100 DVDs
R.I.P Rosalie
15 years, 1 month & 17 days ago

25th Jan 2010 15:12
My bunny Rosalie was killed by a dog last week. The same dog that killed Esme. It ripped through the wire on the cage, and killed her. He decided to leave us with the body this time. Once again, we will get nothing and our local council will profit about $300 from our loss. For the dog to be destroyed, it must kill a sheep, or we have to feel threatened by it. We know it will come back, so I no longer can own a rabbit, and we have changed my guinea pigs lifestyle so he won't get killed. If we see the dog on our property, we have legal permission to shoot it. I miss Rosalie so much, although she was in my life for 8 weeks. I feel as if I have relived a nightmare.
R.I.P Bella
15 years, 2 months & 15 days ago

28th Dec 2009 12:53
Yesterday, my family and I had to come to the decision to put my 15 year old doberman dog Bella down. She has been with me for practically my entire life, and I miss her so much. But she was in so much pain, I couldn't stand to see her suffer for any longer. She was going blind and deaf, could not process her food properly, her hind legs moved slower than the front, and we discovered she had a growth on one of her organs. But she was still a puppy at heart. She kept fighting to breathe, she refused to let it be the end, but it had to be. We buried her in the center of the garden last night, with all of her beloved toys that she received over the past few Christmas's. I loved her so much. From the day we met, she treated me like her own child, and guarded me from anything. We were like sisters. I miss her so incredibly much.
15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago

22nd Dec 2009 18:49
She is NFT!!! She means the whole world to me! She has the name of my rabbit who was killed by a dog, and is my dream pet. lilenigma sent her to me, I never asked for her, she just did it. She's a truly appreciated Christmas present, and she's more than I could have EVER expected. I love her so much! Offer on her, and you'll be instantly blocked!