Avatar Lending
14 years, 5 months & 27 days ago

22nd Sep 2010 03:59
Delayed and Witchlet - both for 30 k
Pirate - 10 k
Avatar Lending
14 years, 5 months & 27 days ago

22nd Sep 2010 03:59
Delayed and Witchlet - both for 30 k
Pirate - 10 k
My best pets I had
15 years, 1 month & 17 days ago

31st Jan 2010 01:30
Zoosh: Enforcement,Syv and Stely
Troit: Serilian
Mordo: Aphril
Poera: Monkeybut6
Oglue: Defone
Lati: Mafrine
Snookle: OprahWinfrey
Quell: Quackery
Dakota: HuggableAzul
Elf Crindol:Khirstie
Easter Newth:Glian
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Zoosh:I started with Enforcement as an Azul then I finished trunx once again then bought a Zossh potion for him. Then for syv did it just like Enforcement.
Troit: Traded my both zoosh for Serilian the millionaire troit then portalled her then it turned into an Ice Addow.
Mordo: I earned it and my sister helped me a lot
Poera: Traded my w/n pet, Khirstie

Oglue: Traded my poera for it.
Lati: Traded my Aphril for her
Quell and Snookle: Traded Mafrine for them
Dakota: Traded my Snookle for him/her ( doesn't sure about the gender )
Daisy: Got at the UF
Non le's
Khirstie: Someone gave it to me then traded for monkeybut6 the yellow poera
Glian: She turned Easter because someone is costuming a non-le or le for free.

Medicine: Traded Tasks and Stely for him