Your love life test!
15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago

13th Aug 2009 19:03
Wanna know what type of person you are?Just answer the questions,and see your results!
1.How is you and your ex bf/gf relationship?
a.We're best friends!
b.We still hang out sometimes.
c.Why should I still be his friend?
d.Ugg,we're nowhere near being friends.
2.How do you feel about your ex's new bf/gf?
a.We're practically best friends!
b.He's/She's pretty nice.=]
c.He's/She's ok.
d.I hate him/her.
3.How do you feel about you and your ex breaking up?
a.Totally fine.I shouldn't fuss about it,we just probably wer'nt made for eachother.
b.Fine.Theres someone thats right for me somewhere out there.
c.Ok I guess.
d.Sad,mad,emotional.I loved him/her!
4.What do you want to do to your ex?
a.Nothing,revenge is not the answer.
b.Nothing I guess.
c.I dont know,havent thought of it I guess.
d.Hurt him/her!Why did we even break-up!
Now,after you figure out how your love life is,copy and paste your results on your profile or anywhere else that you want to put it!
If you're mostly A's,then copy and paste this!
I took c00lkidz's Love life test!I'm mostly (or all) A's.Here are my results:I dont care about if I need to worry about mine and my ex's relationship.I shouldn't get mad just because we broke up.I may grieve a little,but I just have to move on!Theres somone out there that's right for me.
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!
If you are mostly B's,then copy and paste this!
I took c00lkidz's Love life test.I'm mostly (or all) B's.Here are my results:I care a bit about my relationship with my ex,but not all that much.I worry if I'll ever find someone else that I like,but it just feels a litle akward having a 'friend' relationship with him.
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!
If you are mostly C's,then copy and paste this!
I took coolkidz's Love life test!I'm mostly (or all) C's.Here are my results:
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!
If you're mostly B's