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  1. Read this-Program Fund
    13th Oct 2009 18:54
    15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  2. Your love life test!
    13th Aug 2009 19:03
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  3. LE Seekers!
    13th Aug 2009 18:50
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Club Nicknames
    11th Aug 2009 20:34
    15 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  5. To Staff
    2nd Aug 2009 19:10
    15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
Read this-Program Fund
15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
13th Oct 2009 18:54

Welcome,this blog is for a good cause.This is for a marafriend who lost her family due to a fire,has been abused,and lost a sister to Brain Cancer.
I'm not going to say her username,incase she doesn't want people to know it,but her nickname is Ella.
Heres her story:
Ella lived with her 5 brothers and sisters and her parents.One day when Ella was at a sleep-over,her house had caught on fire.Everyone of her family members died,except one.And that one died to Brain Cancer just last year.Ella was put into an orphanige,and adopted.She was abused by her adopted mother.
One day Ella went to apply for college,at the age of 15,but because of her age,they woundn't accept her.This one caring Professor had seen her,and asked what was wrong.She told him her story.That Professor then tried his best to get her into that college,and so they accepted her.And that same Professor,adopted Ella after that.
Ella now has a Restraining Order against her adopted mother so her adopted mother can not even get even 10 miles close to her.The only one that can from her adopted family is her adopted sister.
Ella has lost her family,been put into an orphanige,and has been abused.If you care at all,donate a flower to show that you care.Ella does not know about this progam at all,and would be so happy to see that people care.If you have through what Ella has been through,then you know exactly how she feels.So if you would like to donate a flower to Ella to show that you care,then send them to:
C00lkidz (me) with a maramail saying that you are donating that flower to Ella and you can also write something to Ella if you like to show that you care.You can send an incouraging word in the same maramail that you send saying that you have donated a flower to Ella.And if you send a flower and/or an incouraging word,you'll have your username,message,and how ever many flowers you donated on a page to let everyone know the good deed that you have done.

Read 1st post

Your love life test!
15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
13th Aug 2009 19:03

Wanna know what type of person you are?Just answer the questions,and see your results!

1.How is you and your ex bf/gf relationship?
a.We're best friends!
b.We still hang out sometimes.
c.Why should I still be his friend?
d.Ugg,we're nowhere near being friends.

2.How do you feel about your ex's new bf/gf?
a.We're practically best friends!
b.He's/She's pretty nice.=]
c.He's/She's ok.
d.I hate him/her.

3.How do you feel about you and your ex breaking up?
a.Totally fine.I shouldn't fuss about it,we just probably wer'nt made for eachother.
b.Fine.Theres someone thats right for me somewhere out there.
c.Ok I guess.
d.Sad,mad,emotional.I loved him/her!

4.What do you want to do to your ex?
a.Nothing,revenge is not the answer.
b.Nothing I guess.
c.I dont know,havent thought of it I guess.
d.Hurt him/her!Why did we even break-up!

Now,after you figure out how your love life is,copy and paste your results on your profile or anywhere else that you want to put it!
If you're mostly A's,then copy and paste this!
I took c00lkidz's Love life test!I'm mostly (or all) A's.Here are my results:I dont care about if I need to worry about mine and my ex's relationship.I shouldn't get mad just because we broke up.I may grieve a little,but I just have to move on!Theres somone out there that's right for me.
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!

If you are mostly B's,then copy and paste this!
I took c00lkidz's Love life test.I'm mostly (or all) B's.Here are my results:I care a bit about my relationship with my ex,but not all that much.I worry if I'll ever find someone else that I like,but it just feels a litle akward having a 'friend' relationship with him.
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!
If you are mostly C's,then copy and paste this!
I took coolkidz's Love life test!I'm mostly (or all) C's.Here are my results:
To take this test,go to c00lkidz's 'Your love life test' blog!
If you're mostly B's

LE Seekers!
15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
13th Aug 2009 18:50

LE Seekers is an awesome club!We have tons of cool stuff,plus our goal is to help you get your dream LE pet!Look down below for all of the cool stuff that we have!
We have:
89+ Members,
10 Million+ mp in club till,
96k+ messages,
Club Newsletter,
LE Pet giveaways,
Adoption Agency(With LE Pets!wink.gif,
Club activates,
Weekly Games,
Daily Games,
Great Quizes all the time,
Friendly and active members,
and more!
You'll always feel welcomed!So maramail for an invite today!LE Seekers is the greatest,friendliest,club around!

If I missed any important activates or anything else on here,post here so I can put it on the list.Post any comments on the club below!Also,give this club a rating!

Club Nicknames
15 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
11th Aug 2009 20:34

Ok,we have 45+ members,so its kinda hard to remember EVERYONES nickname,so here they are.Hopefully this will help new members (to the club) or anyone that forgets someones nickname.If you want me for some reason to remove your name from the list (like say some random person maramails you saying hi ____,........)then just maramail me,or you can post here.=]

Smartiesandcheese=Sack (or Katie)

To Staff
15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
2nd Aug 2009 19:10

Ok,my cousin said I should do this,and hopefully we wont get banned.I get on on my cousins computer.My cousins are myfriends13,
and 1 other cousin,I forgot his username though.

  1. Read this-Program Fund
    13th Oct 2009 18:54
    15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  2. Your love life test!
    13th Aug 2009 19:03
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  3. LE Seekers!
    13th Aug 2009 18:50
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Club Nicknames
    11th Aug 2009 20:34
    15 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  5. To Staff
    2nd Aug 2009 19:10
    15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago