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  1. My Dream Pet!!!!!!
    1st Sep 2009 09:18
    15 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  2. About me *******Please comment*******
    16th Aug 2009 08:55
    15 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
  3. Hello
    7th Aug 2009 02:58
    15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
My Dream Pet!!!!!!
15 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
1st Sep 2009 09:18

As many mara-peeps know, there is a quest called 'Dream Pet' which is a quest where you achieve your goal of getting you favourite pet(s), and i have a goal to achieve as well.....

I have two absolute favourite dream pets which are a



Please help me to achieve my goal and i will help you with your's

Thankyou for reading

P.S If you have any Snow Addow's or Zoinks you would like to disown instead of giving them up, pass them on to an owner who would take them off your hands and would leave you to know they would love them, please maramail me if your in that situation

Thankyou xXx

I would like to say a big thankyou to Kittycatslover who has very kindly sent me an enchanted snow addow potion and KingofBananas has changed into a snow addow!!!! WOW I AM SO HAPPY XXX

About me *******Please comment*******
15 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
16th Aug 2009 08:55

Hello i'm xxyoyoxx!

Age:between 10-20 (work it out for yourself, literally impossible but...)
Birthday: uh uh not telling
Star sign: That would be giving it away
Fave Colours: Pink, Turqoise, Lime
Fave foods: Curry, Chips, Chocolate, chicken nuggets, Pasta Neopoliatan (if you like this food
Fave Subject: Humanities,P.E, Textiles Technology, Food Technology
Other interests: I LOVE CUPCAKES (that's why i have got a cupcake graphic
my graphics show i'm a girly girl and love shoes!
Fave Singer: I like Anna Nalick, Taylor Swift, Cheryl Cole, Alexandra Burke
fave Films: Twilight, Harry Potter, Blue Crush, John Tucker must die
Hobbies: I go horse riding every saturday, and it's becoming a passion!, i'm still nagging my parents to get me a horse and i'm taking up surfing from now, so to all those surfer chicks out there, hello
I have a dog, and a cat (dont worry they can stand each other, the cat is the boss, though)
I've got quite a lot of fashion sense, and love shopping!

Please friend request me, and if you need any help with missions i will help

please post x

15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
7th Aug 2009 02:58

Hello, if your new ad need a friend, this is the right blog for you! I offer help, a reliable friend, and whatever you want! Please post here, if you would like a friend, i willsend you a friend request!


  1. My Dream Pet!!!!!!
    1st Sep 2009 09:18
    15 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  2. About me *******Please comment*******
    16th Aug 2009 08:55
    15 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
  3. Hello
    7th Aug 2009 02:58
    15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago