15 years, 6 months & 14 days ago

28th Aug 2009 20:25
Heres how my first week went:
Mondayy:it was good,my legs were in pain from the stairs,only ppl in wheel chairs and ppl with broken legs may go on the elevator,which made me wanna break a leg..
my schedule isnt too bad,i like it how it is.
Tuesdayy:tried going without my schedule paper,that was a majorly epic fail,well it was a fun dayy i suppose(:

h yess(: remembered my schedule what noww!ooh and i finally didnt miss the bus(:
thursday:schools getting rather old already..i was tired all day.
fridayy!!!:very good day,except for my stalkers..ughh grr.well lunch was hilarious,my classes were good i suppose.but my classes got old fast.but atleast i get to see my friends<33!
The Emo Truth.
15 years, 6 months & 20 days ago

22nd Aug 2009 20:56
???????????????????????? put this in your blog
???????????????????????? if you support emos!
emo doesn't mean you cut.
emo doesn't mean your weird .
emo doesn't mean your suicidal.
emo is real.
emo is people.
emo is everything.
emo is a label.
emo is being free.
free to be you.
free to express.