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  1. Some things
    22nd Jul 2009 17:22
    15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
Some things
15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
22nd Jul 2009 17:22

R.I.P Michael Jackson.I,like many others,love his music and he will be deeply missed.

On the other hand,whos a fan of Taylor Swift.I am!!!Me and my aunt are her BIGGEST fans.BIGGEST.I was there at one of her concerts and she looked me in the eyes.Right then,she was talking about how she loved all of her fans.I think she looked at me while she was saying it.It was the CMA festival in Nashville,TN.We had to drive 4 hours to get there.I dont think they have even put it on air yet.Ok.Heres some details.There was a WIpeout course(I LOVE the show,)you know,the puching wall and that bridge thing,(I went about a month ago,)Dr.Pepper testers,music place,(ya know,like drums and stuff,)a stage where this person was reading her book for little kids,(like toddlers,)a band,backstage where Taylor,Miranda Lambert,and some othher people were signing autographs,(unfortunately,they handed out 500 bracelets to see Taylor and we didnt get one,And we paid this girl 60$ to get in.Get in.She didnt say that we couldnt sign our pictures!And,after we bought it she said "No refunds,"We were MAD.But,what could we do about it?And,we left my Mom outside and she ran off with my brother.So we came out and looked all over until she called and said that she was down the street watching my brother play in the play place.Yep,a good and bad time.

  1. Some things
    22nd Jul 2009 17:22
    15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago