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  1. Spring Breakaz
    17th Apr 2013 12:57
    11 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
  2. That Sh* Cray
    15th Jul 2012 15:46
    12 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
Spring Breakaz
11 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
17th Apr 2013 12:57

On friday i slept over my friends house, we went shopping the next day to get some bikinis for her boyfriends pool party. Then we got a mani pedi at a beauty salon that her parents own and ate at her restaurant. it was really good, i love their restaurant (and im not jsut saying that!). When i went to the party, turns out i was one of the two girls there. guess how many guys were there? about 12. yeah, 12. so i guess you could say it was a good time being surrounded by my wrestling team Adore #mustles4dayz ! then i went to the mall, spent hundreds of $$$! i love shopping because buying new things make me happy Smile
then the next day, monday morning, i went downtown with my friends, we all hung out and had a good time. later on that day , we went over to my friend ryan's house to go in his new jacuzzi! it was perfect, not toohot but not too cold! usually jacuzzis are really hot and i cant stay in them for too long, but this one was warm and awesome Wide Grin we tried to pull an allnighter that day because ryan had to get his wizdom teeth removed. we did this by going through several cans of monster, multiple games of pool, video games, watching scary movies to keep us from sleeping (worst idea ever, but it worked) and then the fear of being pranked as a punishment for being the first to fall asleep was also the most effective thing keeping us up. we all fell asleep at the same time when we were watching 21 jump street. damn, it was like 5 am and we had 3 hours of sleep lol i left at 9 and slept at my house nonstop until like 5pm because i had some chipotle. that really messed up my sleeping schedule , im so great to my body Smile sorry ! now i woke up at 9:30 , had 9 hours of sleep and ive never felt so awake, its awesome!
Now im watching the amazing spiderman because youre never too young for children movies! Im craving the sims so oooo bad and jamba juice!

That Sh* Cray
12 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
15th Jul 2012 15:46

Kids, cherish your childhood becausse growing up SUCKS!

"yes i lied but i did it with love <3" ~Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Wink

"No one deserves to be treated like an option" ~heymarina

"Cheat on me by accident, I will leave you on purpose" ~ me ^.^

"So if you're a real man, man up for your man friends who like men." ~ Beck from Victorious. Damnstraight my friend

"Yeah, I party hard but I always put my priorities first." ~ Kush and Wizdom

"Cuz we're all just kids who grew up way too fast." ~elyse


  1. Spring Breakaz
    17th Apr 2013 12:57
    11 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
  2. That Sh* Cray
    15th Jul 2012 15:46
    12 years, 7 months & 30 days ago