15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

2nd Jun 2009 02:49
he said he loved her,
then why did he leave her?
he said she was the best thing in his life,
then why did he cheat on her?
he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her,
then why did he run away?
he said he LOVED her,
then why didn't he mean it!?!?!?!?!
Her:Then why did you say you did?
Her:Why didn't you just tell me the truth?
Him:I didn't want to hurt you!
Her:you mean as much as im hurting now?
Him:I just got sick of suck a dull reletionship!!
Her:I loved you and I cared for you and you Betryed my trust!!
Him:I was wating for the perfect time to break it to you!
Her:Thats just a exuse to make me less angrey!
Her:But it wont work!
Her:All the time is the perfect time any time is the right time!
Him:I was scared!

f what!
Her:You think your life is perfect!!!
Her: DONT YOU!!!
Him:No, I was scared that I would hurt you to much!!
Him:I was scared you would hate me.
Her:To late I wouldn't have hated you if just told me the truth from the start!
Her:You Know WHAT I HATE YOU!!!
Him:I'm SORRY OK!!!
Him:But in some way I still need you!!!!
*runs away*
*goes home*
*kills himself*
If he didn't LOVE her then why did he kill himself?
If he didn't LOVE her then why did he hate his life???
If he didn't LOVE her in some way then why did he need her??