15 years, 7 months & 26 days ago

18th Jul 2009 01:46
my marasite link:
Comment my "Marasite" HERE!!
My Mara Best Friends
15 years, 7 months & 27 days ago

16th Jul 2009 15:30
In Marapets I have 3 bestfriends!!
They are :
Mayblossom - She is the first person in marapets who help me and she is my first inspiration.
Clara - She is the second person who inspired me!!
cause she is very cool,kind,helpful etc.I'm her no. 1 fan.
She help me too!! and I'm Mara-in-love in her

crazecreeps - A very very very sweet player!!

Pls. Remember me!!

Note to staff
15 years, 8 months & 14 days ago

29th Jun 2009 04:33
Me and my Little brother (My little brother is only 5yr) share computer!please don't freeze our account!!
I created him an account because he want to have a big mp like me but he doesn't know how to play marapets he always say's to me " What will i do next? "
He is very funny if you see him playing marapets!!!