14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago

27th Jul 2010 11:08
Im sooooo boredd and im hungryyy! I got out of the pool and im just plain BORED. YAH YOU HEAR THAT? PLAIN, P-L-A-I-N B-O-R-E-D DDDXXXX this is killin mee!!
Memory of Oliver Dx
15 years, 7 months & 5 days ago

9th Aug 2009 19:54
Oliver was my best friend when I was little. I got him when I was four. I named him Oliver from my favorite movie, Oliver And Company. It was the middle of November, I just turned 7. We got home and I looked for Oliver everywhere, I couldnt find him. My parents went looking for him, outside. He was no where to be found. I finally gave up looking for 5 days, and assumed that he was lost. I cried and cried. I went to school the next day, sulking. I brang a picture of him on a poster, saying LOST CAT, IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN, and no one heard, or seen him. I had a dream that night that he came back and I was so relived. But I woke up and tears were down my cheeks. At last finally got over crying about every time I thought about Oliver. I have never seen Oliver since. Its been 3 years and I love him to deth. I think that he will never come back.
True story, its touching.

Mah friends! =D
15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago

6th Aug 2009 13:26
These are mah friends from mah club!
Techi-You crack me up with all your jokes, and I love to RP with you. :] I met you through out my club and I think your the funniest!

Cream-Ahh, I know you in real person, you crack me up also, but not as much as Techi. :] Your still funny though!!
Morg-Cream's sister, I know you in real life too, haha, your really nice and I feel that I've gotten to know you a whole lot better in my club. :]
Kersee-My real life friend also, I've known you since I was 2 years old. :] Your also so funny! And Im glad to have you in my club. :]
Moony-The leader of the best club ever! Your the best! I'm so lucky to have a great leader as well as RPer, and friend. :]
Lio-Such a great friend, you have done so much for me, you've always been by my side when I needed help or something. :]
Love you guys!