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🙏 Thanks for the votes, I appreciate the love! 😊

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Online Status | I don't log out of Mara and always have it open in another tab, so may not actually be online :)

What's bumbi?
I don't really know. It just sounds nice.

Friend Requests
Preferably if I know you or at least talked to you before :)

So sparkly...
Sorry for that. I like things that sparkle. Obvi.
If it don't shine, it ain't mine. Hey :)

Started playing: April 18, 2009 @ 3AM :D

  1. Quests
    7th Mar 2018 13:19
    7 years & 8 days ago
  2. Random Stuff
    6th Aug 2009 12:48
    15 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  3. Missions + Goals Status
    16th Jun 2009 11:30
    15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
  4. Hate Mail? Shame.
    4th Jun 2009 18:46
    15 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
7 years & 8 days ago
7th Mar 2018 13:19

March 7, 2018
Finally completed a Drew quest today!

Missions + Goals Status
15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
16th Jun 2009 11:30

(These are just notes/reminders for myself ^^)


Baspinar's Castle - Level 12 (limited edition Oglue pet)

Biala Mountain - Level 28 (Complete 300 or more Santa Claws Quests)

Candyland - Level 23 (5 or more Stamps in the Candyland Page of your Stamp Album)

City Sewers - Level 18 (complete level 12 or higher of the Sewer Cleaner mission)

City of Marada - Level 21 (Read one of your pets 100 or more Newspapers)

Dukka Caves - Level 24 (You need to buy anything on sale at the Limited Edition Account Upgrades Shop)

Eleka's Castle - Level 22 (buy a Knutt Poison item from the Poisons shop)

Enpiah - Level 20 (create a DNA minipet at the Laboratory)

Foxfire Forest - Level 4 (complete the Carpenter Treasure Map)

Gigantic Paradise - Level 50 (need to buy an item from Beanstalk shop)

Jenoa - Level 20 (complete level 25 or higher at the Clam mission)

Kamilah Desert - Level 22 (complete 100 or more Hump Racing quests)

Lowlyhood - Level 21 (complete level 14 or higher of the Priscilla mission)

Lush Lake - Level 41 (need to have 750 or more Photos in your Photo Album)

Minipet Island - Level 16 (need to complete the Volcano Treasure Map)

Nimbus - Level 20 (need to own any Fairy coloured pet)

Puchalla Village - Level 24 (Complete 125 or more Puchalla Inn quests)

Simeria - Level 13 (need to own any Detective coloured pet)

Slater Park - Level 22 (complete the Enchanted Plushie Machine Instructions)

Undying Woods - Level 16 (need to own any Nefarious coloured pet)

Vortex Park - Level 21 (need to use a Fake Costume)

Ziranek - Level 18 (need to have a Digital coloured pet)



In Progress:

1) Tarquin's Library - Level 12

2) Priscilla - Level 23
7M contact lenses on level 17 Sad
6M mask at level 22
8.5m clover blouse dress at level 23 ugh.

3) Greedy Gertrude - Level 6

4) Sewer Cleaner - Level 16
BAH had to pay 6m for a darn flea plushie at level 11 Silly
Then 7.5m for an elephant moth plushie at 12 !!!
8m for earwig + elephant moth plushie at 14 !!!
5m for mosquito plushie at 15 ugh.
4.5 for mosquito plushie at 16.
Actually needed to use my magic carpet at level 17 because stupid earwig plushie does not exist anywhere.
8.5 for earwig plushie + 7m for mosquito plushie @ level 19. 15.5 mil total just for this level. And what did I get? 25,000 mp. Wonderful!

Sewers is officially my least favorite mission ever.. -_-
[edit] Actually I hate this mission 100% and that is a truly strong word I don't use often.

I should have just bought my own basil.

5) Hector the Collector - Level 5

6) Jester - Level 1

7) Beast in the Woods - Level 6 (asked for 1000 dukka coins on level 5 -_- )



1) Ublish Mission - Complete! :] June 26, 2009.

2) Temple of Transformation - Completed with Surisa; August 8, 2009.

3) Circus - Complete! August 27, 2009.

4) Rubbish Dump - Complete! March 27, 2010.

5) Trunx's Theatre - Complete! June 15, 2015.

6) Beanstalk - Climbed! Oct. 27, 2018.

7) The Clam - Complete! [cost sooo much] Oct. 29, 2018.

9) Rubbish Dump - Yay! Jan 19, 2019. [Level 20 alone cost 9mil >.<]

10) Circus - Completed! Dec 28, 2019. Got aqua zoosh potion.

1) Trotter's Movies - Level 18 (Failed on March 6, 2018) Crying

2) Blitzen's Grotto - Level 13 (Failed on March 11, 2018) Sad Thanks to Blue Crikey Photo Grumpy

3) Hector's Collector - Level 15 (Failed Dec 22, 2018) He asked me for a stamp that was 10mil :

4) Tarquin's Library - Level 16 (Failed Dec 25, 2018) Asked for a Bankruptcy Book which none are available for sale :'(

5) Trunx Theatre - Level 19 (Failed Feb 7, 2019) Asked for Undercover Hits. Sigh.

6) Fates - Level 19 (Failed March 24, 2019) Asked for Blitzen Horns which were 10m at the time. No thanks. -_-

7) Ublish - Level 17 (not paying 6.5 mil in stars, oh well!)

Hate Mail? Shame.
15 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
4th Jun 2009 18:46

I've noticed that there are some immature players (probably children) who send hate mail or cuss words through maramail, for usually no reason. First of all, marapets is for fun and enjoyment, not to look for fights. Just because you fail in real life, does not mean you are cool cause you are rude to people online. It actually insults yourself and shows your low level of intellect.

I do have people on my block list and I have reported people before. It just doesn't make sense, if you WANT your account banned or frozen, just go ahead and close your account! Or even better, change your password to something random and never come back again. It's much easier than to make me report you for
1) sending me random cuss words
2) sending hate mail with offensive content
3) randomly cursing a pet of mine and then send hate mail.
I have not encountered any other pathetic attempts and like it to stay that way. But of course, if you must, go ahead. I won't hesitate to block and report you. Trust me on this one.

New attempt! June 22;
Some dense user mailed me out of the blue and said I was a "cruel and nasty" owner. And surprisingly, I feed, play with, and rest my pets everyday so they are neither hungry, tired, nor sad. So out of confusion, I ask why before my usual instinct to hit the report button.
Apparently, she saw that I had a skinny pet. I seriously laughed at this, I said she must be new. Clearly she doesn't know what a SKINNY COSTUME is. She still gets mad for me proving her wrong and calls me "retarded" cause she's angry. I basically told her not to be jealous because I can afford buying costumes, and guess what? She goes on and throws more words at me and goes on a fit saying how she has been playing much longer, has more money, more costumes in another account and what not-so I reported her.
Fail #1- You're already screwed for having more than one account, good job.
Fail #2 - If you really were all those things you just claimed, YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT A SKINNY COSTUME IS. Thank you.

Why do we have people like this around? I pity them =(

  1. Quests
    7th Mar 2018 13:19
    7 years & 8 days ago
  2. Random Stuff
    6th Aug 2009 12:48
    15 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  3. Missions + Goals Status
    16th Jun 2009 11:30
    15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
  4. Hate Mail? Shame.
    4th Jun 2009 18:46
    15 years, 9 months & 9 days ago