The Tale of Lost Love
15 years, 9 months & 8 days ago

8th Jun 2009 10:12
My first real friend was called Josh, and we really loved each other as friends, then as boyfriend and girlfriend. By the age of 5 we were the best of friends, and as our hours were on the same road, we saw alot of each other. But, when I was 9, he moved homes, and I never got to tell him how I felt.
If you have any heart at all, and you know what it feels like to have a lost love or just a break up, please post a comment here.
Something you may want to know...
15 years, 9 months & 9 days ago

7th Jun 2009 09:39
Once I got one of those weird forwarded emails and it really made my heart cruble. I had a pic of a sweet lil baby from america and it said it had cancer and to forward the email earned them 30cents towards the cure- I still don't know if it survived. All my friends got it too, and we were all forwarding it to everybody we knew, but I doubt it survived.