CAUTION random anyway hope it makes you laugh READ
15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago

2nd May 2009 13:13
my little kumquat
rawr grrr go away hehe
when in doubt google it
i wonder what its like to be a piece of cheese?
moo im a fish
i ruined a emo kids day

i made him laugh
automatic doors make me feel like a jedi
google thts what taught me all this random crap [actually myspace

i keep trying to kidnap jasper btu alice is always waiting with a baseball bat how does she know oh right
i dont have adhd i just do u like waffles?
i love dorks i know u wanna be one hehe but theirs only one thts perfect thts jay my sexxi dork

im such a nerd get over it
is it okay to eat raw toast?
im board lets go hang out at wal*mart
do u have ears OMG lets be frens
whoever said anything is possible they never had tryed slamming a revolving door
best friends mean fighting over a bag of chips and at the end instead of saying im srry they said ......HAHA LOSER
do tht again and i will so give u a paper cut in front of jasper
no need to be hatting i no ur just jealous of my skittles.....especially my red ones yummy in my tummy

who is this life and y is he throwing lemons at ppl?
put tht in ur juice box and suck it
i dream of a world when chickens can cross the world and motives not be questioned kindergarten was when the definition of D-R-A-M-A was when some one stole your crayons..
sarcasm........easier then dealing with stupid people
...i tried being normal once WORST 5 minutes of my life
i didnt trip i was just checking gravity......... it works
i am a
id marry you with a ring pop if i had to..ily
of course im out off my mind...its dark and scary in there
DUCT TAPE so many uses so little time
OUCH! tht parked car hit me
GET OUT OF MY HAPPY PLACE!or ill rip ur arm off
were dorkier then a box of nerds
DEATH the #1 killer in the USA tell ur frens
im pretty sure we scare people
haha..wait i dont get it>:3