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  1. for once a song thats lyrics r tru
    8th Jun 2010 13:16
    14 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
  2. true
    13th Aug 2009 17:47
    15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. cancer
    11th Jul 2009 08:57
    15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
for once a song thats lyrics r tru
14 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
8th Jun 2010 13:16

You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl
You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl

Just an average girl they might've missed ya
You got a mom a step dad a little sister
I know his words they used to hit ya
You feel fat and ugly so your getting thinner
Sometimes you throw up or you skip dinner
Sometimes you hate the face you see in the mirror
You cry at night but nobody ever seems to hears ya
Nowhere to turn its getting no clearer
You got father in heaven though who wants to hold ya
Wrap ya in his arms lay ya head on his shoulder
Keep ya safe and warm when this world is getting colder
Tell you that you're beautiful over and over
He sees u struggling cause he's the one that knows ya
Sees the pain ya in plus he wants to show ya
How much you mean to him that's why I hope ya
Take the love he gives this is what he told ya saying...

You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl
You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl

Well do you hate what your looking at
Hate looking at this person that's looking back
Hate the way that they talk behind your back
So ashamed when ya walking to ya class
And every time now that you pass
They tease you any way they can it makes ya mad
You wanna run away from all the stress you have
Just want to fit in but it seems you never can
The other girls treat you like you're so strange
In your life it seems like things never gone change
You just feel like a no name.
And all you wanna do is make it all go away
Skipping school sneaking out your coming home late
Far from cool so you coming up with no dates
How did your own face become what you so hate
When all along you couldn't hear what he was gone say it was...

You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl
You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl

Do you see how much you mean now to your Father
He don't make no junk but yet you feel you gotta
Chase so many things that this world wants to offer
You got so many needs he wants to fill yet you bother
To try to run after anything this world will give
But do you understand how beautiful you are to him
Cause then and only then that's when you truly live
That's when you comprehend who my Jesus is
Now to every single girl down to every kid
That struggles with your looks but now you always hid
How you felt deep inside but you always wish
To be somebody else well listen up to this
Don't believe the junk don't believe the lies
Cause your always beautiful now through his eyes
In your life you can find ya peace of mind
Cuz for you he died now here's the reason why

You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl
You're so beautiful
You'll always be daddy's girl

15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
13th Aug 2009 17:47


A girl went to a party and she ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.

As she walked along under the tall elm trees, She asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.

When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.

She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her.

When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely.

The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been beaten in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there.

Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep.

Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story.

The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before.

When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed.

The officer thanked her for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her.

She asked if they would ask the man one question. She was curious as to why he had not attacked her.

When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on both sides of her."

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God?

Repost this if you truly believe in God..

PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what

"If you deny me in front of your friends, I shall deny you in front of my Father"

98% wont post this
are you part of the 2% that will????????

15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
11th Jul 2009 08:57

-----///\\-----put this
----///-\\\----on your
---|||---|||---blog if
---|||---|||---someone in
---|||---|||---your family
----\\\-///----has cancer

  1. for once a song thats lyrics r tru
    8th Jun 2010 13:16
    14 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
  2. true
    13th Aug 2009 17:47
    15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. cancer
    11th Jul 2009 08:57
    15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago