READ and ANSWER my Quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years, 10 months & 30 days ago

18th Apr 2009 17:50
1.Do u like Mara - Pet's?
2.Are you in a Club?
3.Do u have over 20 Friends?
4.Do you treat every member with respect?
5.Do you use the forums alot just for chating?
6.Do you believe in your self?
7.Do you have a Loving,Nice,Caring Group of friends?
8.Do you use the Mara - Mail's ALOT?
9.Do you Share with your siblings?
10.Do you have a nice attidude?
If you said yes 9 to 10 times! and If you didn't!
You are: You are:
Very social and Caring! Get Social!!!
You have a Great talent at being You need to get off the
Loving and Nice! computer even though you
You know how you like to may love it to bits!
be treated and you know how to You need to have
treat people! friends round and go
You are a Sharing,Generous Freak! out - side!
Even though you think
you are very social on the computer , you shouldn't [ this website is awesome don't get me wrong ] but you need to be social with real people NOT vitural people!
So Get of the Computer
Have Fun!
[ There is other ways to have fun instead of just being on the computer!