Sewer Cleaner Help Blog
13 years, 5 months & 12 days ago

2nd Oct 2011 05:24
Mission Breakdown
1-5 poop/Items found from swimming in sewage
6-10 Bug plushies
11-20 Bug minipets
21-30 Gourment mutant food, bugs/fertilisers, traps
What Backup Is Needed
1-5 Cheap-No need for backup
6-10 Recommend 2 of ea bug plushie then replace as use
11-20 no real backup needed as the minipets are around 5-10k ea.
21-30 Recommend having at least one of every fertiliser, at least one ulti trap and 1 of each rare bugs for backup, Replacing as used. No need for mutant food(cheap)But could buy incase inflated
Item Prices
(2/10/2011) Price updates
Flower Beetle
UB Bug Price List
Angelwing Butterfly 3.5-4mil
Dragonfly 3-4mil
Hornet 4-5mil (non in trades fs at this time.)
Monarch Caterpillar 500-600k (Hits SS Often)
Painted lady butterfly 3.5-4mil
Tarantula 3.5mil(non in trades at this time)
Weevil 4-5mil(non in trades at this time)
Lesser bugs range from 10-500k but are in ss
Fertiliser 550-650k ea
Ultimate trap 600-700k
My Mission RecordListing what asked for from level 21
Level 21-Ultimate trap, Branch salad, grey fertiliser
Level 22-Trap, Smelly socks cake, Gypsi catapillar
Level 23-Quality Trap, Bitten Mouldy Bread, Polyphemus
Level 24- Grass Hopper, Sewage Cake and Trap
Level 25- Can Bread Pudding, Elite Trap, Monarch Catapilar
Level 26- Elite trap, Fish and onions, Pink Fertiliser
Level 27-Basic Trap, Rotten Onion Soup, Polyphemus
Level 28-Elite Trap, Mutant Fish Burger, Yellow Fertiliser
Level 29-Basic Trap, Glass Donut, Black Fertiliser
Level 30-Basic Trap, Mutant Friday Fish Burger,Siproeta
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Grey Basil Potion and 100,000MP!!
Estimate of cost for last 10 levels-
My Mission Record 2
Easy Levels
Level 1-Fasoro poop, Bolimo poop.
Level 2-Kidlet poop, Tantua poop
Level 3-Pucu Poop, Rotten Beans
Level 4-Crikey Poop, Zetlian Poop
Level 5-Kronk Poop, Old Book Cover
Cost- 7000mp
Plushie Levels
Level 6-Fly Plushie, Ryuthela Plushie
Level 7-Fly Plushie, Ryuthela Plushie
Level 8-Ryuthela Plushie,Ryuthela Plushie
Level 9-Scorpion Plushie, Fly Plushie
Level 10-Scorpion Plushie, Cinabar Plushie
Level 11- Fly, Fly
Level 12- Fly, Earwig
Level 13- Mosquito, Earwig
Level 14- Fly, Mosquito
Level 15- Fly, Flea
Level 16- Earwig, Earwig
Level 17- Earwig, Fly
Level 18- Ant, Mosquito
Level 19- Ant, Flea
Level 20- Flea Mosquito
Level 21- Basic Trap, Sewage Spaghetti, Yellow Fertiliser
Level 22- Ultimate Trap, Mutant Friday Fish Burger, Dung Beetle
Level 23- Ultimate Trap, Can Bread Pudding, Blue Fertiliser
Level 24- Ultimate Trap, Fish and Onions, Stag Beetle
Level 25- Quality Trap, Glass Donut, Painted Lady Butterfly
Level 26- Basic Trap, Ant Hill Tart, Dung Beetle
Level 27-
Level 28-
Level 29-
Level 30-
All Prices on this blog are based on trades and prices Ive bought and sold bugs at