Kenzi//Newbie Help
15 years, 8 months & 20 days ago

24th Jun 2009 20:42
The only one who has access to using this is pinkdottedbow!
Need Help? Look below
Note: This is Intended to Begginers, so Advanced members are probably more aware
Marapets in General:
Marapets is an online Site were everyone can Chat on the Forums, Own a variety of diffrent stuff such as Shops, Clubs, Sites and Auctions, and can earn MP (Mara points) from games and contests.
You can Make friends and chat with them through 'Mara Mail'.
Dress up your Character using Clothing, Hair Dye, Contacts, Hairstyles, and more. Receive pets and minipets, which you can take care of and look after when Online.
My Description:
After you make an account, you must create a 'Mara Pet'. Theres many to choose from. Once you have given them a name, you can earn stats and points to get a job and achieve MP. You should feed and care for them or else they might get sick. If your not happy with your Pet you can abandon it at the pound, and if your looking to buy a pet you can also adopt one there too. You dont have to spend your MP on a pet you can always create another one by going to 'Pets' at the side bar and clicking 'Create a Pet'. You can also battle with your pet anytime just go to the 'Minipet Island' and click the battle arena. Theres much more fun to be done with your pet just explore around the Pet section.
Marapets Description:
Pets are an important part of the Mara Pets Game. You cannot even play without owning one pet. Each person can own up to 12 pets. This page will try to help answer a lot of your pets related questions, and we have attempted to list everything on the site that is pet related - but there are tons more, so you will need to Explore the site to find them all. If you need Currency to pay for stuff for your Pet, you should play some of our great Games! Pets on this virtual pet site are just like the pets you would find offline - they are living and need to be cared for. You need to feed your pet when its hungry, give it a drink when its thirsty, put it to sleep in a bed in your house when it is tired, cure it back to health when it is sick, etc. Failing to care for a pet for an extended amount of time is neglect, and the pet could die and go to the Undying Woods graveyard, where it will become a Zombie and any other player can become its new owner.
Mara Map (Explore)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Description:
Click on 'Explore' at the Left Side Bar on your screen, you have now entered the 'Mara Map'. Theres a number of diffrent places to visit. Any of the Islands or Villages are always welcome for you to enter.
Marapets Description:
Welcome to the virtual world of Marada. Home of millions of virtual pets just waiting to be adopted - or discovered. The north side of Marada is home of all the good virtual pets and happier worlds - while the south is home to all the evil virtual pets. Explore every world for fun activities, virtual games and places to shop at.
Mara Map (Alphabetical order):
Baspinars Castle
Biala Mountain
City of Marada
Dukka Caves
Dukka Town
Eleka's Castle
Gigantic Paradise
Lush Lake
Minipet Island
Pirate Ship
Planet Enpiah
Puchala Village
Slater Park
Undying Woods
Vortex Park
If you wanna learn more about the diffrent places in mara, try clicking one and checking it out.
My Description:
Games are a fun way to earn MP, If your ever in the mood to play just head over to the 'Games' on the Left side bar. Theres many Games to play and win such as Quest games and Missions. Quest and Missions get you to search the islands and explore around for what you need to do are what item you need to obtain, it usually rewards you with money and/or Items.
Marapets Description:
Welcome to Mara Pets Games, the source of great free online games including arcade games, puzzle games, card games, casino games, quest games, mission games, sports games, shooting games, luck games, strategy games, dress up games, flash games, web games, kids games, online games, internet games and much more. Our aim is to have the more games than any other website - thats why we release upto 3 new games every week. Our flash games have been played over 15 million times. You can go here to view only our flash games. All of our games are 100% free games and all games are suitable for kids. Kids under 13 can create a special account which removes their access to any chat features and communication with other players.
Arcade-16 games
Puzzle-7 games
Card-10 games
Casino-9 games
Sports-5 games
Shooting-6 games
Luck-7 games
Fashion-10 games
Strategy-8 games
My Description:
Forums are a great way to get your message across and just chat. There are many diffrent sections to chat in.
Marapets Description:
The Forums are for our members to talk to each other and to make new friends, whilst playing mara pets. Please remember that the site is viewed by people of all ages and from all over the world. Posting more than one message in a row is not allowed - there is an EDIT button so please make use of that. Starting new topics and posting can earn you up to 60MP. There are strict forum rules for you to follow and failure to do so will result in a forum ban and penalty. Spamming will lose you access to all forums except for the 'SPAM Forum' which pays no MP and does not increse your post count.
Forum Sections:
Marapets Chat
General Chat
Help and Assistance
SPAM and Testing
Programming and Graphics
Price Check
Adult Chat
My Description:
Dress up is a place were you can be creative and show off your own style. Theres fun ways to dress-up
too, Go to the Salon and Change your hair or get Plastic surgery on your Nose. Theres way more there, all you have to do is click 'Dress-Up' at the side tool bar and find whats there.
Marapets Description:
This page is all about the Dress Up Games and Fashion Games currently on Mara Pets Games. Once you create an account, you automatically create a Dress Up Doll which is your very own cartoon doll on the game. Your doll will show on your profile, on the forums with other dolls while you chat, on your maramails when you chat to others and in many other community features on the site. You can use the Doll Makers on the site to edit the features of your doll, such as eyes, hair, skin colour, hair colour, etc. This page lists all of the Dress Up Games and Fashion Games currently on the site, where you can get cool new fashion clothes, shoes, sunglasses, etc for your doll. If you need Currency to pay for stuff for your Cartoon Doll, you should play some of our great Games! If you enjoy fashion and making friends these Dressing Up Games will be fun for you, as you can dress up your dolls with the latest fashion and chat to thousands of other players live on our moderated forums.
Dress-up Games
??? Zac Efron
??? Avril Lavigne
??? Usher
??? Marilyn Monroe
??? Rihanna
??? Ugly Betty
??? Pink
??? Beyonce
??? Shakira
??? Miley Cyrus
??? Britney Spears
??? Lady Gaga
My Description:
Clubs is a place were everyone can gather around and join a team together, Make your own layout and name, and talk about the Club subject
Marapets Description:
Clubs are a way for the users of this virtual pet site with similar interests to group together and make new friends.
Marapets Description:
The Trading Post is where users of this virtual pet game can trade their items. Trades can have up to 15 items on them and will automatically end after 21 days. Currency Trading is also avaliable and this is the only place you can trade currencies - you can offer all three currencies of MP, RP or BP on any trade.
Marapets Description:
Account Upgrades keep marapets running. We are a free site that relies on the donations of our players and paid advertising. Our running costs are high and as we grow, so does the cost improvements and maintenance. Account Upgrades help us to improve.
Each payment is a one off donation to us and you will gain a few extra benefits, items and rewards. You do not have to upgrade and we try to keep it so that donators do not have too much of a benefit over those who are not able to.
This page is priced in UK Pounds Sterling, ??. Players from All Countries can purchase them, you will be charged in your local currency
Marapets Description:
This section shows the latest news and our latest updates to this ever-changing virtual pet game. News is not always frequent, but we usually have daily news. If you would like to discuss any of the latest changes to the site, please use the Explore Forum.
My Description:
Click on 'Battle' on the left side bar and find out (i dont know to much about it)
Marapets Description:
These online auctions are processed 24 hours a day. Some auction lots will only allow bids from their Friends or members of their club. If you would like to auction one of your items, go to your Inventory and select an item to auction.
Mail and Alerts-----------------------------------------------------
My Description:
_ New Alerts
_ New Mail
(And the time is here)
Above you can see an example of the icons showing about your mail and alerts.
1 New Alerts
1 New Mail
If this happens its showing that you have 1 New Alerts and 1 New Mails
Click on it and scroll down until you find the list of your messages under the mail or alert title. Click the new message and read it. You can then delete it or keep it.
The time under the New mail and Alert icons is the mara time. So every one can follow one and not have to get mixed up because they follow a diffrent time then the other member.
Marapets Description:
Maramail is where you can send mail to other players of the site and receive mail to your mail inbox. Sending this direct mail is free and just like email, it is sent and received instantly, making it easy to communicate with the players of the site at any time of the day, in whatever country in the world. If you would not like to receive direct mail from a certain player, you can block them from doing so.
My Description:
Beside that is Items which is your pesonal inventatory, go there when you buy stuff and your item will be right there for you to use, click it and there will be a number of options for you to pick.
Marapets Description:
Below are the items that your Character is carrying in your inventory right now. Inventory management is important - you should only keep items in your inventory if you need them while you explore Marada, otherwise store them safely in your attic. Click on the item in your inventory below that you would like to use, send to a friend, auction, donate, delete, resell, place in your attic or shop or just view details about.
Marapets Description:
This page has everything to do with Shopping and spending the Currency you have earnt playing Mara Pets Games. This page links to your own shop, where you can sell items you no longer want to other players, the Shop Search, where you search for an item you want that other players are selling in their shop and all of the other shops around the virtual world of Marada, where items can be bought.
Buy the batteries items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Buy the charms items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Eleka's Castle.
Pots of Paint
Buy the pots of paint items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Biala Mountain.
Buy the eggs items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Giant Vegetables
Buy the giant vegetables items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Gigantic Paradise.
Giant Flowers
Buy the giant flowers items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Gigantic Paradise.
Buy the toys items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Biala Mountain.
Buy the vegetables items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Buy the weapons items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Undying Woods.
Gourmet Meat
Buy the gourmet meat items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Buy the books items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Dukka Caves.
Buy the medicine items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchala Village.
Musical Instruments
Buy the musical instruments items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Dukka Caves.
School Supplies
Buy the school supplies items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchala Village.
Buy the pizza items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Slater Park.
Ice Cream
Buy the ice cream items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Biala Mountain.
Buy the stamps items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in City of Marada.
Buy the flowers items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Buy the chocolate items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Candyland.
Buy the candy items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Candyland.
Buy the fruits items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Giant Fruits
Buy the giant fruits items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Gigantic Paradise.
Buy the dvds items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Mini Pets
Buy the mini pets items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Mini Pet Island.
Halloween Treats
Buy the halloween treats items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Undying Woods.
Buy the furniture items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Mini Pet Island.
Buy the cds items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Frozen Foods
Buy the frozen foods items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Biala Mountain.
Soft Drinks
Buy the soft drinks items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Slater Park.
Fast Food
Buy the fast food items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Slater Park.
Buy the balloons items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Slater Park.
Trading Cards
Buy the trading cards items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Undying Woods.
Buy the tools items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Dukka Caves.
Buy the costumes items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Biala Mountain.
Buy the bakery items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Candyland.
Buy the potions items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Dukka Caves.
Buy the flooring items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Gigantic Paradise.
Cleaning Products
Buy the cleaning products items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Jenoa.
Buy the sushi items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Jenoa.
Buy the armour items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Jenoa.
Car Parts
Buy the car parts items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in City of Marada.
Buy the magic items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Gigantic Paradise.
Buy the computers items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Buy the appliances items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Ziranek.
Illegal Concoctions
Buy the illegal concoctions items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Enpiah.
Buy the stars items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Enpiah.
Female Clothing
Buy the female clothing items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Mini Pet Island.
Male Clothing
Buy the male clothing items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Mini Pet Island.
Buy the pearls items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Jenoa.
Buy the wallpaper items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Baspinar's Castle.
Hair Dye
Buy the hair dye items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Lush Lake.
Buy the lipsticks items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Lush Lake.
Contact Lenses
Buy the contact lenses items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Lush Lake.
Female Shoes
Buy the female shoes items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Male Shoes
Buy the male shoes items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Voodoo Dolls
Buy the voodoo dolls items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Eleka's Castle.
Minipet Food
Buy the minipet food items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Minipet Island.
Canned Food
Buy the canned food items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Puchalla Village.
Cooking Ingredients
Buy the cooking ingredients items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Eleka's Castle.
Buy the sunglasses items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Baspinars Castle.
Buy the wigs items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Lowlyhood.
Buy the seeds items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Minipet Island.
Other Shops
Charity Shop
Buy random items for half the price at the Charity Shop. Find this shop in Puchala Village.
Jewellery Shop
Buy the jewellery items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Dukka Town.
Pirate Ship
Buy rare artifacts at the Pirate Ship. Find this shop in Virtual World of Marada.
Treasure Maps Shop
Buy the treasure map items that you need from this shop. Find this shop in Minipet Island.
Marapets Description:
Your virtual pets live in homes that have had an attic conversion. Your character cannot carry around too many items when exploring Marada, so instead you should use your Attic for storage of most of your items. All items here are safe from random events because of an excellent home security system. To remove an item, click on the item's name. You can also remove more than one of the item and you can also move items to your shop or gallery. You can store an unlimited amount of items here and there is also a great search feature to help you find what you are looking for in a hurry.
This 'Pets' shows how many pets you own.
Marapets Description:
These are the virtual pets that you own. This means that you have a responsibility to take care of them. You will need to regularly feed your pet when its hungry, put it to sleep when it is tired and play with it when its bored. Virtual pets can catch diseases and illneses and need to be cured. If a pet is neglected and left sick or starving it will die.
If a pet is dying, you will get a random event warning you that you have 7 days to cure your pet. If you do not in this time, it will die and go to the Gates of the Graveyard, where you have 7 days to recover your pet. After those 7 days, it will no longer belong to you and *anyone* can adopt the pet.
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Marapets Description:
Virtual Pets live in homes. As you need to take care of virtual pets, you must have at least one home at all times to put your virtual pet to sleep in. However, you can have a maximum of 6 houses in total. There are different types of houses to choose from, each a different price, size and take a different amount of time to be completed. You can browse through one of houses below or create a new house. You can customise each room of your home to how you want it - fill it with furniture and appliances, paint the walls, change the flooring and so much more. From time to time, your houses randomly have problems and you will need to fix them with the correct tool. Homes also get dirty and to keep your pets healthy, you will need to clean them.
Price : 5,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 1
Construction Time : 3 Hours
Price : 10,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 4
Construction Time : 6 Hours
Price : 20,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 5
Construction Time : 10 Hours
Price : 30,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 4
Construction Time : 15 Hours
Price : 40,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 6
Construction Time : 24 Hours
Price : 50,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 7
Construction Time : 2 Days
Price : 75,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 7
Construction Time : 4 Days
Price : 100,000 MP
No. of Rooms : 7
Construction Time : 7 Days
Marapets Description:
You can use this search engine to quickly find the item you are looking for. When you search, it will list all of the shops in which the item you want is stocked in, with the lowest price first. If you only know the beginning of the item, you can search with containing my phrase, but when you search with identical to my phrase you will have to enter the whole name of the item.
Marapets Description:
Your gallery and shop is currently at size _! This means that your gallery can currently hold a maximum of _ items. If you want your gallery and/or shop to hold more items, you can upgrade it. It will cost you _ to upgrade to the next size.
My Description:
At your Gallery you can put in any items that you would like and show them off to other members. just click on your item in your inventatory and press 'Put in Gallery'.
Marapets Description:
The whole virtual world of Marada relies on several different virtual currencies for the economy to function the way it does. This page will try to help answer a lot of your currency related questions, and we have attempted to list everything on the site that is currency related - but there are tons more, so you will need to Explore the site to find them all.
Main Currency:
These are the three most important currencies on Marapets
Marapoints (MP) are mainly earned from playing our games, chatting on the forums, completing quests and randomly exploring the site. MP is the main currency of the site and gained from and required for almost everything on the site.
Baspinar Points (BP) are mainly earned from winning battles with your virtual pets. Named after King Baspinar, BP is the official currency of the virtual world of Baspinar's Castle and can be spent there.
Restock Points (RP) are mainly earned from restocking items from most of the shops in the many virtual worlds in Marada. The amount of RP you get will depend on how rare the item you buy is. RP is the official currency of the virtual world of Eleka's Castle and can be spent there.
Marapets Description:
Mara Pets Games is a virtual community of millions of registered, active players from all around the world. Every player has their own dress up doll which represents them as they play. Each doll can be totally customised which allows individuality and creativity, as players play dress up games to find their unique fashion and style.
Our active community revolves around the virtual world of Marada. As players play our games, care for their virtual pets, enjoy our dress up games or shop for thousands of items, they meet thousands of new people.
My Description:
At the right top corner of the screen, click it and your at your profile. There you can be yourself and design your own blogs (like this) and profile. Put pictures and informaition about yourself so others can know more about you, but dont put anything to personal.
Theres not one link, everyone has their own.
Under your profile is your amount of MP, BP, and RP.
1. No Stealing
2. No Begging
3. No Bullying
Stealing someone elses Graphics or Pics is against the law. You will be caught and banned. The reason why this rule is so important is because people use their hard working time to make a great siggy, and it wasn't meant for you. so you can't steal it, its up to them what they want to do with it. Sell it, give it to a friend, keep it. the fact is its not your's!
Begging is also against the law so no begging for a pet, a rare or retired item or anything. Its theres and if they dont want to give it to you then they dont have to.
Bullying is something no one should do in real life or here, and if someone says to leave them alone you have to listen. No matter what, or they will ban you.
Want to know about more Rules?
At the bottom of the screen theres 'Terms and conditions', Go check it out.
Other Links:
Eleka's Tombola:
Undying Tombola:
This Link:
Any questions?
Mail me or Post here
Note: This took me a while and my hands are cramped up so thanks would be great.
Also i did copy and paste alot too
but as you can see I put 'Marapets Description' not claiming it as my own, Its just more easier for the New players to come here then for me to go to every single one and tell them.
If you have a concern,
Anything I should change?
Feel free to post.
Hope you have an Awesome time on marapets and hope this helped!
By: Hottzi- Kenzi