Personality Quiz
15 years, 8 months & 14 days ago

2nd Jul 2009 10:21
Find out what your hobby is by takeing this quiz.
1.You got your pic taken in the papper. Why?
a. For directing a movie
b. For Getting into SUPER trouble
c. For winning a football game
d. For helping a kitten out of a tree
2. You have to orginise a event at school. What do u do?
a. Movie makeing
b. You cant. Detention.
c. Badminton
d. A trip
3. What movie title do you like best?
a. How to make a movie
b. Bad To The Bone
c. Nothing But Net
d. Super Cheetah
4. Its your perants aniversory. You give them....
a. Video Of the good times
b. Nothing. Screw them!
c. Signed football.
d. A day out to a fancy resraunt.
5. You are on a TV add. What is it about?
a. A new movie
b. Sweets and b.b guns
c. A football that glows in the dark!
d. Friends
RESULTS! Remember to post them on comments!
A's: Movie Star! You love makeing movies and also watching them! You would do anything to be on TV!
B's: Bad Boy/Girl. oooooh! Thats bad! You hate teachers and perants. The only thing you will ever bring home is a detention slip.
C's: Sporty. Football, tenis, rugby anything sporty goes!
You have a good future.
D's: Kind and Giving. You are the best of them all. You help people in need and everyone else. Friend or foe, you still find a place in your heart for them. Dont change.