dear ppl that work on this site...
15 years, 11 months & 3 days ago

8th Apr 2009 20:02
my best friend will some times get on this computer when she comes over. plz dont ban us. and i also use my mums computer some times and i usually forget to log off so yeh if im on like over night all the time then yeah.
wanna be my friend?
15 years, 11 months & 3 days ago

8th Apr 2009 20:00
do u want to be my buddy? cool as!
you must be able to maramail or i will not add u sorry.
ummmm..... oh yeh u must read my chat blog and then maramail me. i will maramail u back and maybe ask u a randomly awesome question before adding you.
and ppl that are already my friends plz read my chat THEN yeah maramail me.
my chat -interesting- u must read. (plz)
15 years, 11 months & 3 days ago

8th Apr 2009 19:57
-some good -some critsism -and more
what willl I write about next?
.... and will you agreee???
i don't know but there is one way to find
out... add me... join my club when i make
it... as leader i will offer random
things as prizes for random comps that
will last roughly two weeks.
wooo hoooo go me!
(join me)