15 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

29th Aug 2009 23:24
To ______,
Hi, i think we met at primary school and I was called kambing.
So today I joined _________ with you and it was really akward seeing you.
I think you're pretty cool and but don't take it personally its just because my brain is throbbing thinking bout thingy.
Sometimes I wonder, have you forgotten bout our friendship before? Sometimes you act like you don't know me and it pains my heart. You call me by my full name and you as my best pal in the gang knows that I hate that!
I wanna just break our friendship but just seeing you makes me mad! So now I am going to act like I don't know you and you don't have anything to do with me!
The past is history and the future is now.
I guess I'll miss our friendship.
Kind Regards
bout me
15 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

29th Aug 2009 23:03
Fav song;how you love me now?(hey monday)
Joined: 1st February 2009
[email protected]