Girls Are Like Apples
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

8th Jan 2009 12:53
Girls are like apples,
The best ones are at the top of the tree,
Boys try to reach them,
But are afraid they`ll fall and hurt themself.
In the end,
Boys can reach the best apples,
But then just throw them away,
Not wanting to bother with them.
So don`t feel sad, because whether a boy you like doesn`t like you, or is with someone else. Its no big deal. I realised that when a boy I liked chose another girl over me. I wept for the night but my mother said, "Oh their just boys," and I felt better then.
Pushed a door that said Pull?
16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago

5th Jan 2009 12:20
|.........| Put This On Your
|.........| Page If You Have
|.......O| Ever Pushed A
|.........| Door That Said Pull!