Can't Read Maw; Can't Read Maw..
16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago

1st Jan 2009 16:25

Hehe, My new favorite artist of the week would have to be...Lady Gaga!

Her songs are always so...uplifting?
I'd just be bawling my eyes out, then I hear
"*duncedunceduncedunce* JUST DAAANCE!"

Hehe, her best song, for me, is probably "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich" :S Has anybody heard that one? Lol, my sister was like;
"Geeze Lisa...all she says is 'bangBANG, We're beautiful, and dirty rich!"
>:[ My sister is SUCH a hater.

hawhaw; so that's my music blog of the week! xD Not very informative - ;~; I'll try harder, next time!