16 years, 2 months & 28 days ago

16th Dec 2008 13:57
I went to the pound, not expecting to find any pets but I saw "applabotten" the Green Crindol and desided to adopt her even though I desided I only wanted my one pet (HannahNinja).
No offence if you leave pets in the pound, but I don't see how people can do that when they created the pet or traded it because they liked it at that time.
I REALLY think that marapets is no different to real life. In both, people get pets that they "need" but get bored of them after a bit and just abbandon them!
After I made this blog, I re-checked the addoption center and found "Disney_Channel1" the Yellow Equilor [female] and "rose_421" the Red Knutt [female] both of which I adopted because of the reasons above even though I still only want one pet.
I've desided to try and look after the pets (give them costumes, read them books, etc.) and trade them or, if possible, give them aeay to people that I know will look after them. Also, if I knew how to get the certificates, I would re-name them because some people find pets names very important.
Luckily, when I re-checked the pound (yet again), it was empty meaning that no-one was heartless to get rid of a pet or that someone else was kind enough to addop the pet (hopefully to be looked after).
I also just found "Redefy" the Red Fasoro [male] but may keep him due to the fact it seems he was disowned just after being created.