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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
I share an IP with zelfen and ladybird5 and sometimes log in from different laptops or my phone.

More details in my blogs. :)
  1. To let Staff know:
    5th Jun 2009 10:03
    15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  2. Graphics I don't want to lose the URL to
    16th Apr 2009 04:32
    15 years & 11 months ago
  3. Easter Egg Questions & Hints
    12th Apr 2009 03:37
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. Just a note to self
    7th Apr 2009 13:26
    15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
To let Staff know:
15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
5th Jun 2009 10:03

zelfen, ladybird5 and I are siblings.

We live together and tend to encourage each other to play at the same time.

We send each other gifts or trade on occasion.

I also swap to my phone/iPad sometimes, if I'm playing flash games, and may log in from work.

May also be at the same IP as sadiemc8

Graphics I don't want to lose the URL to
15 years & 11 months ago
16th Apr 2009 04:32 - Thanks Queen! - Queen's Siggy - PorC-chop, no shading - Porcupine - Porcupine better - Shadow reflecting - Pokeplay siggy 1 - Pokeplay siggy 2 - Thanks Lost! - Araminta - Araminta - edge - Shadow inverted - Numel! - Lottie-Mae & Shadow - Pokeplay Map - Glameow Trainer - Umbreon Profile - Venusaur logo - MORON TWINS XD - Unique - Pokeplay banner (Blastoise) - Ginger Trainer Card - Porcupine siggy with colours - Pokeplay banner (Azelf and Dragonite) - Pokeplay banner (Vaporeon)

Easter Egg Questions & Hints
15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
12th Apr 2009 03:37

1. Clue: Lati, Sindi, Lati, Sindi, I need a rabbit, not this chibs.
Hint: Where can I swap my pet for someone else's?

2. Clue: Maybe I can win a rabbit?
Hint: Awww! My pets love to hug these at night! They're soft and cuddly!

3. Clue: Up, up, and away!
Hint: Long? Green? Yuni? Hold onto the string or it'll float away!

4. Clue: One day I will get to level 1337
Hint: 7hi5 inv01v3s 50m3 rhyming w0rd5...

5. Clue: Society of Naughty Addow Plumbers
Hint: You turned over this card. Zetlian turned over this card....

6. Clue: Buy one if you are not too scared of the ghost...
Hint: You have won a Free Tanning Salon Ticket!

7. Clue: Too much chocolate made you sick?
Time to go and get yourself fit
Hint: Let's go train, but get some crystals first!

8. Clue: me ecaR
Hint: Hmmm... One of these words is spelt backwards... who would go backwards in a race?! Oh!

9. Clue: Is there an egg under here?
Hint: Left, Right or Middle? This game is a load of /rubbish/...

10. Clue: sue royu cslmseu
Hint: Anagrams? ...You've got to be really strong for this one...

11. Clue: Egg shells make good shovels?
Hint: EW! It wriggles and squirms! Like a _____! Gross!

12. Clue: Lend me a copy of Watership Down?
Hint: This book worm sent me to get a copy of Encyclopedia X...

13. Clue: Is it Easter yet?
Hint: What time is it in Marada? Oooh! A pet stat!

14. Clue: Dress your bunny in ribbons and bows
Hint: Somewhere I can go for free clothes...

15. Clue: ese ojnnso
Hint: An anagram. Hmm.. a little blue guy who we know. He's a friend of a ghost from an earlier clue...

16. Clue: Time to rabbit on about what you have learned
Hint: Where can you go to have the chance for your pet to gain free school stats? This is a ROCK hard question.

17. Clue: Time for a change?
Hint: I don't think my pet likes this costume. I can go once a day, but what if he changes species?

18. Clue: Bunny bones?
Hint: I really want to get a Hund, but I can only try to get the parts to make one when he's not looking.

19. Clue: Oooh pretty pictures!
Hint: They're small, square and animated. I've got almost 100. How many have you got?

20. Clue: Almost-a-bunny
Hint: Well, Marada doesn't have any animals called "Rabbits" but there is a pet that has a similar appearance... I wonder how many colors it comes in?

21. Clue: Eaten more eggs than you oughta?
See the one who lives under water
Hint: The bubbles should soothe my pet after he's been in a battle.

22. Clue: Match those....rabbits?
Hint: Well, not rabbits, but how about numbers? Match some numbers. Try underwater...

23. Clue: lupl hist
Hint: Another angram, what can I pull every ten minutes for 25BP?

24. Clue: Try your luck with a frozen egg
Hint: If I won this, I'd be so rich! Pick six numbers, 1 - 25.

25. Clue: If your easter shopping is one big fail
Look here to see the eggs for sale
Hint: You could advertize your club or items here for everyone to see. The most you can pay is 999,999MP and the least is 1000MP

26. Clue: Will you win or will you lose?
Its time for you to pick and choose
Hint: There are a million options! Which to I choose? the chances of me winning are....

27. Clue: Lucky number? Evil!
Hint: Another friend of the ghost and the little blue guy. Only this one knows Eleka and is EVIL! > : D

28. Clue: Give your pets an easter treat
Bet they would like a small round sweet
Hint: Tricky, try feeding them one that usually costs 1MP. Gold, silver....

29. Clue: yklcu kictte
Hint: Another anagram, I hope I win some Red DNA. It's 10MP per ticket though!

30. Clue: Time to put on your easter bonnet
Hint: I think I'll change my top today...

31. Clue: If you want to get a cracker
give this one a big smacker
Hint: Should I hug it? Shake it? Kick it?....

32. Clue: Are there eggs at the end of the rainbow?
Hint: Maybe there aren't eggs, but he'll give you some RP if you get him an item.

33. Clue: Don't you hit my rabbit!
Hint: Who should I battle next? I've got loads of options.

34. Clue: etg uyro ahcs
Hint: Another anagram. It's an INTERESTING clue.

35. Clue: Can I buy a rabbit here?
Hint: Oooh, I want a chibs but I have no Marapoints. I have loads of real money though...

36. Clue: Come to me oh little egg
Hint: I really need some Dukka Coins. Can I win them from anywhere? Woah! Look at that Jackpot!

37. Clue: Excavate the ancient egg of knowledge
Hint: Let's go digging for the KEY clue. There are also some of those DUKKA COINS that I still need.

38. Clue: On the look out for rabbits
Hint: Ask around. Look for someone ONLINE who may have seen them...

39. Clue: Fed up of rabbits by now?
Hint: I could disown my Sindi... but I think POISON is better.

40. Clue: We all know Marapets rocks but how often do we throw rocks at midnight?
Hint: Why don't you treat STAFF to a rock gumball? They've put in a lot of effort with this Egg Hunt.

Just a note to self
15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
7th Apr 2009 13:26

Room 1 - L - Main
Room 2 - S - Zonure
Room 3 - S - Quindecennial
Room 4 - L - Quinquennial

  1. To let Staff know:
    5th Jun 2009 10:03
    15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  2. Graphics I don't want to lose the URL to
    16th Apr 2009 04:32
    15 years & 11 months ago
  3. Easter Egg Questions & Hints
    12th Apr 2009 03:37
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. Just a note to self
    7th Apr 2009 13:26
    15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago