Literate ~Warriors Roleplay~ Site
15 years, 6 months & 27 days ago

16th Aug 2009 13:46
Hi everyone. I'm assuming you clicked this link because you like Warriors and are looking for a fun, lasting, Warrior Roleplay with an actual plot. Look no further.
A half-clan queen in WindClan gives birth to eight kits. Her mate is also half-clan.
Everything goes fine until the kits are about three moons old. The queen realizes she can't take care of all eight of them on her own, so she keeps two in her clan, and spreads the rest across the remaining three clans. (Two in each clan)
Each of the kits make it to being an apprentice, but four of the kits die before their warrior ceremony. (One from each clan) The remaining apprentices all take the suffix of their warrior name from their siblings prefix.
The kits names are:
Shadowkit ~ (Taken by Amber)
Streamkit ~ (Taken by Spore)
Swiftkit ~ (Taken by Cai)
Sandkit ~ (Taken by Yellow)
Spottedkit ~ (Taken by Spore)
Stonekit ~ (Taken by Skye)
Silverkit ~ (Taken by Eva)
Stormkit ~ (Taken by Yoko)
Queen: (Open)
Mate: (Open)
The warrior names of the kits will be:
Shadowstream-- RiverClan,
Swiftsand-- ShadowClan,
Spottedstone-- ThunderClan, and
Silverstorm-- WindClan.
Five reasons to join:
1) We feature original clans and the old forest locations, for the REAL Erin Hunter Warrior's experience.
2) We are a very active site. There's almost always someone online to rp with.
3) We're literate. We guarentee no Chat speak shall be used in rp. Also, we have a chatbox on the website for ALL Out Of Character (OOC) talk.
4) We're friendly. You're bound to make three or four friends, especially on staff.
5) You've read all this info. You might as well check it out.

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