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  1. Poems (if you call them that)
    29th Nov 2008 09:35
    16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Timeload
    29th Nov 2008 09:22
    16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
Poems (if you call them that)
16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
29th Nov 2008 09:35

These are a couple poems I found looking around in my harddrive, so here they are:
'When the Sun Ends'

When the sun ends.
It'll only set because it fainted when it saw you.
When the sun ends.
It's just because you winked at it.
When the sun ends.
I end.

'How long'
How long will it be 'till I see you again?
How long will it be 'till I say hi again?
How long will it be 'till I will be your neverend?
How long will it be 'till you say it's over?
How long will it be 'till you say bye again?
How long will it be 'till I never see you again.
How long will it be 'till we never will be.

'Why'd you have to go?'
Why'd you have to go so quick?
Why'd you have to run like that?
Why'd you have to leave my life?
Why'd you have go away?
Why'd you break my heart?
Why'd you make this never start?

16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
29th Nov 2008 09:22

Chapter One
The Application

Louis looked at the small building that was before him. He looked at ever square inch of it, it wasn't a very good building. It was poorly painted, and it was brick, which was very chipped. Louis wondered why someone would paint bricks, and he also wondered why the building was chipped so much. He guessed it had to be at least sixty years old. He gulped. It was time, he had been standing there for a few minutes as people in dark colored clothing passed him. In the mix of one of the crowds he saw someone in some of the brightest colors he has seen in a long time. He remembered what he was doing. He walked into the building only with his phone, wallet and a phone number someone had given him a few months ago. He started playing with the piece of paper as he entered, the number was smudged so he couldn't read it, he probably didn't want t read it anyway.

He entered the small building he was just gazing at. He dropped the piece of paper on his way in, it wasn't important any.
"Uh... excuse me, is anyway here?" Louis asked.
"Yes, yes, yes... yes." an old man said as he entered, "How may I help you?"
"I'd like to apply for a job."
"A job?"
"You had a help wanted sign in the newspaper, didn't you?
"Did I?"
"Did you?"
"I believe I did." the old man concluded, "What do you want again?" Louis sighed.
"I... want... to... apply... for... a... job."
"Why didn't you just say so? Where's your resume?"
"Uh... I'm fifteen." the old man stared at him in disbelief. His mouth twitched, "Whatever you say. Come back with me." the old man said as he led him around the corner. As Louis was rounding the table he noticed something on the shelf to his left. It made a ringing noise. Ping, ping, ping, ping. Louis was mystified. He wondered what it was. It looked like some sort of watch, but it was strange. It had a chain and it was silver. He walked over to it quietly. "Timeload" it said, What is Timeload? Louis wondered. He looked at every detail it had in it, a habit of his. It had a signature of somewhat on it. He couldn't make out what it said, but he could tell it looked old.
"You coming boy?"
"Uh, yea, sorry." Louis glanced at the watch. His mind raced, his heart starting beating faster. He took the watch and put it in his pocket. It name another ping, ping, ping, ping noise. He smiled, it was a beautiful noise for such a small little watch. He suddenly remembered what it was A Pocket Watch. His father had owned several of them in his lifetime.
"I'd hurry up if you don't want to get fired before you start, boy!"
"Yea, right, sorry again!"

Louis entered the small back room.
"You know that we sell antiques here, right?" the old man said.
"Yea, that's why I applied Mr... uh, sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"Yes. I never said it. I prefer to tell the person my name at the last minute." Louis thought this was the strangest man alive. He was thinking about running away. He had something that might be worth a lot. He could sell it on the internet for a lot. It depended on how valuable it was. He might be better off giving it to a relative that needed a watch.
"What's your problem boy?" the old man asked, "I suppose this is the best time to tell you my name considering you're about to work for me."
"Yea. It would help."
"What's your name?"
"Oh, yes, right... right, my name is Mr. Syilk. It's a German and a Polish name put together..." Louis didn't hear the rest. He was noticing Mr. Syilk's looks, now that he knew his name. He was somewhat skinny, he was a little chubby in the face, but he looked thinner everywhere else. He was wearing a white baseball cap with small blue stripes running down it. He didn't need to see the logo to know what it was. "Yankee fan." Louis thought to himself. Some of his hair was peaking through his cap. It was short and whispy. It was grey in some spots and orange in others. His shoes looked a few sizes too big, or he was short for how big his feet were. His pants were anyday jeans with a few rips in them, but it made them look better. He had a sweater that was a few sizes to small, it was brown and black, Louis had no clue what kind it was. It looked old and had a few holes in it. His shirt was a few sizes too big. "This man has the weirdest clothing," Louis thought to himself. It was light blue and had navy striped running across it. It had a Polo sign on it. "An old man wearing a Polo. Go figure." Louis thought as he looked at his shirt that was a lot like that, but red and yellow.
"... and thats how my ma and pa met. Boy? Boy! Have you been listening at all?"
"Uh, yes, sir."
"What was the last thing I said?"
"Before that."
"Dont push your luck, boy."
"Do I start my job today?" Louis asked, trying to change the subject. He couldnt help laughing. "I can imagine me and that old man fighting," Louis thought, he suddenly frowned. "He would probably murder me."
"No. You start monday." Mr. Syilk said.
"Uhm, sir, it IS Monday."
"It is?" Syilk looked at his watch, "It is. I suppose you start next monday then." He suddenly frowned, his features getting even more rugged, "Why aren't you in school, boy?"
"It's a teacher work day, no school." Louis said, suddenly panicing. "What if the old man doesnt believe me, I wont be able to keep my job. I wont be able to find out how this watch works." Louis thought. He felt his watch and sighed, guilt suddenly overwhelmed him, he had a lump in his throat and the urge to tell the old man that he stole it. He knew it wasn't worth anything to the old man if he had kept it lying on a cabinet.
"You best get going, boy. I'm about to close the shop down."
"Yes, sir," Louis said as he left the old, beat-up building.

Back to School
Chapter 2

  1. Poems (if you call them that)
    29th Nov 2008 09:35
    16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Timeload
    29th Nov 2008 09:22
    16 years, 3 months & 18 days ago