Pet Acceptance..
15 years & 17 days ago

3rd Mar 2010 14:05
Pet Prices
15 years & 22 days ago

26th Feb 2010 04:07
Pet Prices
Arinya -> 1.3-1.9 Million
Basil -> Unknown
Chibs -> 6 Million
Crikey -> Unknown
Daisy -> 500k MP
Dakota -> 4.4-5.5 Million
Ercuw -> 4.4 Million
Figaro -> Unknown
Gizmo -> 2 Million
Huthiq -> 1 Million
Ike -> 3.7 Million
Kronk -> 2 Million
Lati -> 4-4.5 Million
Mordo -> 2.5-3 Million
Nino -> 4 Million
Oglue -> 1 Million
Phanty -> 900k MP
Poera -> 1-2 Million
Pucu -> 5-7 Million
Quell -> 4.5 Million
Rofling -> 35-40 Million
Rusty -> 2 Million
Sindi -> 6-7 Million
Snookle -> 4 Million
Tasi -> 5 Million
Troit -> 1.75-2.5 Million
Viotto -> 7-8 Million
Yuni -> 6-7 Million
Zoink -> 1.5 Million
Zoosh -> 2 Million MP
Rare Costumes
Angel -> 24-30 Million
Baby -> 35 Million
Cheese -> 7 Million
Dark -> 15 Million MP
Fairy -> 10-11 Million
Fire -> 15 Million
Gothic -> 12 Million
Hobo -> 10-11 Million
Love -> 7 Million
Rainbow -> 25 Million
Royal -> 7-10 Million
Seasonal -> 50-75 Million
Starry -> 6 Million
Water -> 14 Million
Witch -> 6-7 Million
Wizard -> 25-35 Million
Costumed Potion Value
Eleka Viotto Potion -> 10 Million
Seasonal Viotto Potion -> 13 Million
Starry Viotto Potion -> 12 Million
Rainbow Viotto Potion -> 12 Million
Love Lati Potion -> 5.3 Million
Costumed Poera Potions -> 2 Million ea.
15 years, 1 month & 21 days ago

27th Jan 2010 12:59
If you would like me to make you any graphics, please just ask, and don't steal. Here is an example-
Attention Marapets Staff!!!!
15 years, 6 months & 21 days ago

27th Aug 2009 16:44
To Marapets Staff- I share this computer with my brother's and sister, so please don't freeze us! Thanks so much!

To the Kindest People in Marapets....
15 years & 7 months ago

18th Aug 2009 11:55
Thanks to those who have donated, given, and helped me reach my Goals. This tribute is to you.

MrPeaboddis- A Mermaid Jessup Potion
And to all those, Who Gave me my Dream pets, or Traded me, so that I could achieve them.
And my Thanks to all my Friends on Marapets, that were Kind, Loyal, and Above all, Friendly.

*Curtsies* To this, I thank you, and bid you Adieu.