10 Million MP Giveaway!!!
11 years, 7 months & 19 days ago

24th Jul 2013 22:10
I'm not leaving marapets to start off with. I feel incredibly generous to give this much of MP. I will need 2 other people to help me judge, but not to benefit anyone else. These are the prizes.
1st 5 Million MP
2nd 2 Million MP + EPI Piece
3rd 1.5M
4th 1M
5th 500K
Anyone tied for any of these positions will go into another round, which will seperate you both. Anyone within ONE point of 5th will get 100K. Mail me to enter. The first round is no eliminations.
(More to be updated soon. Rounds will be put on here when I close applying. Applications are closed.
General Knowledge (First Round)
Dress Up (Top 30)
Hunt (Easier than the riddles)(Top 24)
Poems (Top 19)
Quick Riddles Marapets Related (Top 13)
Application (Top 8)
If There Are Any Ties For 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st:
1st Priority = My Judging
2nd Priority = Application Round Score
3rd Priority = Poems Round Score
4th Priority = Dress Up Round Score
etc etc
If none of the following work, then you'll be given this round.
(To Be Decided)
If You Have The Same Score As The Last Person That Is Last But Made It Into The Next Round:
E.g. if you make it to the dress up round, but then are 23rd equal, then all of you that are 23rd equal will make it into the riddles round.
PinkyBum 16 Marks
Annabellan 9 Marks
RosettaRules 16 1/2 Marks
polarally 21 Marks (2 Rounds)
GirGirl 16 1/2 Marks (2 Rounds)
DarkKi11er4Hire 10 Marks
1nn0c3nt 15 Marks (3 Rounds)
Kandace 11 Marks
marafreaks4clothes 28 1/2 Marks (3 Rounds)
corinacute101 27 Marks (3 Rounds)
BBBBouncinTigger 11 1/2 Marks
Loveyou4ever321 3 Marks
Binny 29 1/2 Marks (3 Rounds)
scoobygirl2 34 1/2 Marks (2=3 Rounds)
SuperWonderKitteh 10 Marks
ather 14 Marks
elstea 15 Marks (2 Rounds)
vivia 37 Marks (3 Rounds)
Sweetieful 26 Marks (3 Rounds)
Maaags 26 1/2 Marks (3 Rounds)
Eisenna 9 Marks
lexiissexii 34 1/2 Marks (3 Rounds)
TheRabbit 22 Marks (3 Rounds)