16 years, 1 month & 13 days ago

2nd Feb 2009 16:41
What is a PDA? well for one thing relly cool! for another its a thingamabober that can hold your info like ppls phone nuber and adress and stuff like that. It also holds other things like memos and to do lists. Its a handy device. i have one with a little pen you helps you get to a place like to do list. i have i holder witch can hold it of corse and atach to your pants. pretty cool if you ask me. well thats a PDA for ya!
Marapets, the greatest site ever!
16 years, 1 month & 14 days ago

1st Feb 2009 11:04
I loooooooooooooooooove marapets! its like the greatest site ever! I also go fantage, clubpenguin,webkinz and more even!
But marapets is the best of all!