A poem for my best friend=)
15 years, 9 months & 1 day ago

11th Jun 2009 16:28
Everday evernight i think about u in my life
seeing you and looking at u makes me happy inside
being wit u and only you is haveing a great time
we fight like sisters and act lile brothers
i will never give you up to anyone or anybody
when your in pain i'm in pain
thinking about you is like a fat kid and hes food
if you left i left right by ur side
we will end our lives toghter and forever
sharing and giving is the bomb
ur day ur grandma died i lost a memeber because were siss
thinking and looking is like beliveing
everday i look at u and say i wish i can be u
no matter what i love and always will
just remeber you my best friend and u will always be=)
love you