Wizarding Life
12 years, 11 months & 8 days ago

4th Apr 2012 10:14
Blood status: Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Quidditch postition: Beater
Dumbledores Army?: No. LOL
Best friend: Seamus
Boyfriend: Neville
Enemy: Cho Chang
Class you do best in: Charms
Class you do worst in: Astronomy
Favorite professor: McGonagall
Least favorite professor: Quirrel (what was he doing with that lizard?)
Wand core: Veela Hair
Wand wood: Dogwood
Wand length: Eleven inches
Wizarding job: Mediwitch
Where you live: London
Jily or Snily: Jily
Favorite ship involving Harry: Harmony
Favorite ship involving Ron: Ronmentor. (Ron + Dementor)
Favorite ship involving Hermione: Harmony
Favorite ship involving Draco: Drapple
Favorite ship involving Neville: Neville/Me
Favorite ship involving Luna: Luna/Rolf Scamander
Least favorite ship involving Harry: Drarry
Least favorite ship involving Ron: Ronmione
Least favorite ship involving Hermione: Ronmione
Least favorite ship involving Draco: Drarry
Least favorite ship involving Neville: Neville / Lavender
Least favorite ship involving Luna: Luna/Neville
Favorite: Neville
Least favoruite: RON.
Role model: Lily Evans.
Who you're most like: Hermione
Favorite marauder: Lupin
Least favorite marauder: Peter
Favorite spell: Crucio
Least favourite spell: Densaugeo
Your Patronus: Fox
Do you use unforgivable curses: Yes