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  1. Just my Luck!
    2nd Jun 2010 13:39
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  2. Scary Stories
    6th Feb 2010 02:58
    15 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
  3. Profile Siggys!
    31st Jan 2010 12:12
    15 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. 2010 Goals!
    2nd Jan 2010 05:02
    15 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  5. Please Sign if u were here.
    9th Dec 2009 12:12
    15 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
Just my Luck!
14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
2nd Jun 2010 13:39

(This is a true story and this is NO JOKE!!!!wink.gif

I was at the shop with my friends and we were deciding what way we should take. We were deciding between the Lane or the secrect garden (not so secret)

My friend and I took the Lane and the others took the secret garden.

On our way up the lane, I was looking at clovers becuz I had been lookin for a 4 leaf clover for AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was glad I looked happy.gif I found one. I jumped up and down and sceamed. I think my friend was thinkin Wat the hell?!?! So anyways, i took it up to my house becuse its near the lane. I put it in a glass of water.

Its now being pressed in my "Wicked" book along with 2 Harry Potter books and my Roald Dahl collection ontop of it.

Its been there for afew days.

Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy happy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gif

If you have ever had a lucky day, plz post it bellow happy.gif

Thanx Alee

Scary Stories
15 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
6th Feb 2010 02:58

~The Halloween Party~

Clara and her boyfriend Dave were walking home from a friends Halloween party. They heard screaming and Dave said "Probably the screaming contest they were telling us about". They both laughed and agreed that it probably was. They walked along the footpath in the black, scary, dark, creepy forest.

Suddenly, there was a crackling noise, like twigs being snapped when they were stood on.They felt like they were being watched by some one....or some thing.

There ,hovering before them a black figure , hooded and ragged robes andwith what looked to be a syth. The figure pointed a bony, fleshless finger at Dave who suddenly dropped dead to the ground.Clara screamed and ran for her life. The mysterious black figure hovering after....

Clara ,running as fast as she could, ran back to the friends house who was holding the party. There were no lights on. No music. Silence. Clara looked inside the house...Clara thought to herself "the party ended? Already?". Then she remembered the screaming coming from behind them when they were walking home. She knew the black thing had already been to the Halloween Party. They thought it was the screaming contest! Out of no were her friend ,covered in blood, stared at her hungrily. She too was dead. Aswel as the whole party. They all crouded round Clara and chanted:
"You thought we were having the screaming contest,
But you were very wrong Clara,
Now Dave is dead and you shall be too,
With us, our great master will kill you too,
Some do not like to hear his name,
But tough luck if you dont!
His name is.....
The Grim Reaper!

The hooded figure walked up to The croud and said in a deep croaky voice "move a side, the mortal girl must die!"

With that they all moved. Clara who now was shaking with fear tried to escape, but she was surrounded by zombies who were once her friends. The Grim Reaper lifted her up with his bony hand and with his syth cut her right arm off. Clara screamed and screamed and begged for mercy. But he wouldn't stop there. He they cut off her left leg. He them dropped her on the ground, blood gushing out of her. For a final move, he got his syth and choped off her head.Dave came along as a zombie just in time to see Clara die.
Clara then, with her left arm got her head and put it back on her neck. she got her arm and leg and stuck them on too. She was no longer alive. She was a zombie aswel as her friends..... they had there, yet another human dead. They walked through the forest and Micheal Jackson appeared as a Zombie.

Clara put her friends CD player on to Micheal Jackson's song of thriller. For the rest of the night Micheal Jackson, Clara, Dave , The Grim Reaper, the party and Micheal Jackson's zombies danced to thriller all night...

~The mirror~

Thump! "owwww..." moaned Lea quietly. She had just rolled out of bed and whacked her head on the ground. It was 2.00 AM. She went down stairs and got a glass of ice, cold water and returned upstairs. Lea couldn't fall back to sleep. She lay sleepily on the bed when she realised the clock had stopped ticking. "Must need new batteries," she thought.

She turned round to her clock sitting on the mahogany bedside cabnet.It was bloodstained. "Oh my gosh!" exclaimed Lea.

She went to the bathroom to get a piece of toilet roll so her could clean it. She looked in the mirror and saw a shadow in the backround. She turned around. Nothing was there.Slowly, she turned back and looked in the mirror again. There was a small girl sitting on the toilet crying. She was see through. Lea looked round again. She saw her this time. She headed for the door acting like a shadow thinking the ghostly girl couldn't see her.

The door slamed shut. The small ghostly girl looked up and her red demon eyes stared straight at her. She floated into upto the mirror and moaned in a ghostly manor "Are you my new friend?" She turned around and stared at Lea again. Lea had turned white.

The girl floated over. Her eyes turned from firey red to brown. She turned from a small girl to an identical version of Lea. She turned solid and un-ghostly. She turned into Lea. She then turned back into being the small girl. Lea fainted.

The small girl's eyes turned firey red again. She filed the bath to the brim and put Lea in. She drown her. The small girl then floated back into the mirror and left Lea's body there lying in the bath.........

~The Clown~

"BZZT! BZZT!" Jake's alarm had just buzzed and woke him up. Jake was twelve years of age. He loved curcus' but the one thing Jake hates, is clowns.

Today Jake was going to the Curcus with his best friend, Josh. Josh teases Jake about not liking clowns.

It was a foggy, damp, Saturday, really, it was the same as everyday in Cork.It was 11.17 AM so Josh should be at Jakes house any minute.

"Ring ring ring ring ring BANANA PHONE! Ding dong ding dong ding BANA-"
"Hey Josh" Said Jake down his phone.
"Hey Bud. Still comin' to the curcus? Or are ya too afraid to come, Mate?"
"Hell yea, Im comin."
"OK then, see ya in 5."
"Right then"

Jake hung up.He went got dressed and washed (but he didn't clean his teeth!wink.gif

*5 Mins later* DING DONG!!!!!
Josh was at the door. Jake and Josh left for the curcus.....little did they know what lyed ahead...

When they arrived they got junk food and sweets and got some seats at the front, because Josh insisted they did.

The curcus theme song started to play and a large puff of smoke appeared and there stood a black shadow shaped like a skinny tall man.
"Bonjour, moi friends. Welcome to la curcus." Said the Ring Master in a french accent. " Now I need un volenteer. How about vou boi?

He pointed at Jake. Josh pushed him out of the chairand the crowd clapped him on.He headed towards the ring master, who then said:
"Now, I vill make zis volenteer dizapear and vreappear!"

Jake turned white. He stood on he platfrom and the Ring Master chanted some words and a puff of smoke appeared and Jake dissapeared.

A clown stood there befor him with a knife and slit his throught and all the blood spat out of him and went all over the clown who laughed evily.

When the Ring Master chanted him back, He was lying dead on the ground. The ring master laughted and the Clown appeared and killed every one..... The Ring Master had completed his mission. Him and the clown vanished into thin air........

~ Girl... ~

A girl named Ellie died on the 12/08/09 as she was tortured by an apparent "Spirit" that once lived in their house.
This is her story.

Ellie live in 13 Elsdale Avenue in England. It was apparently built in the times of King Henry VIII when Henry's daughters, Elizabeth and Mary (Also known as Bloody Mary as she shed so much blood.) still lived with him. Anyways, Ellie had lived there for 10 years of her life. Ellie was now tweleve and was to be thirteen tomorrow.
It was 11/08/09 and Ellie was extremely excited. She was with her bestfriends, Alison and Leah, and for a laugh, they went to the gypsy fortune teller, who was, quite creepy, especially her eyes. One eye was red and one eye was green.
As they reached the fortune teller's spooky, green & purple tent they got a chill down their back ,as if someone had just walked over their graves. They dared Ellie to go in first. As Ellie was brave, she entered first.
The tent smelled of rotten cabbages and inside was paper bag brown and dull. The old gypsy was at her old wooden table which had an old moth eaten purple and blue cloth spread over it.
As the gypsy looked up she said in an old craoky voice; "Welcome sign of Leo. Take a seat and I will read your fortune."
Ellie sat down and the Fortune teller grabbed her havd and placed it on the new looking glass ball and she put her own hand on the ball too.
She closed her eyes and said to Ellie,
"Oh... Leo Ellie, this is not good. I see.. I see that it will be with you... tomorrow... the Spitit Demon... You're thirteenth will not be good. If you are to be in your house, do not fall asleep or be alone! I warn you Leo Ellie. You are in grave danger."
Ellie, freaked out rean out of the old gypsy's house. Her friends fortunes were much better than hers. As she told the others what her fortune was, Ellie fainted in the feild across the road from her house.
She had a vision. It was the gypsy fortune teller. She said in her creepy voice;
"Leo Ellie! You must not disobey my warning! I know this WILL happen! Leo Ellie! You are in GRAVE danger!"
Ellie woke up in the moist grass her friends watching over her asking her if she was alright as she panted for breath. Her friends walked her home. It was getting late and they had to go home. Ellie went and lied down in her bed and fell asleep.
Next morning Ellie woke up. She smiled remebering it was her birthday.
She rand downstairs and her parents were waiting for her.They gave the presents to Ellie. Ellie looked at the clock and it was 12.45. She exclaimed, "Crackers! My friends will be her in 15 minutes!" She ran upstairs to get changed. Her friends arrived and they partied on and on. at around 6pm Ellie had another vision but accept, she didn't faint. She saw a little girl with short black hair, red eyes and a scarred face.It looked at her and then she came back into her proper world.
They partied until 10pm. Ellie was exhausted and went to bed, forgetting about the gypsy's warning. at 11.50pm Ellie woke up by hearing his noise.thumping and thumping. Ellie got out of bed. her parents had gone to bed. This bang camefrom the kitchen. Ellie, cautiously went in but got trailed in by something. In the kitchen stood a little girl, just like the one in her vision.
The door slammed shut behind her and next thing the girl turned around. She small voice echoed around the kitchen, "Are you my friend?" Ellie tried to scream but no sound came out.
The girl said, " You cannot scream at me. Next moment she dissapeared. Ellie panted and she turned around the little girl looked up and said, "You will be my friend, forever!" She put a rope around Her neck and choked Ellie to her death.

Ellie's body was found the next morning in the kitchen with the rope still around her neck.

I cant think of any more stories more comingh soon

2010 Goals!
15 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
2nd Jan 2010 05:02

Here are my Goals for 2010:

>To have atleast two LE pets[X]
>To have over 250 items in wardrobe[]
>To have over 1.5 million mp[]
>To have over 3o glowing eggs in nest[]
>To have 150 photos in album[]
>To have over 50 stamps[]
>To have over 200 vavitars[]
>To have over 20 trading cards[]
>To have 300 Friend[]
>To have over 50 people in Club[]
>To get a ballon costume for Kitty[]
>To have upgraded my shop over 100 times
>To have completed 6 of the Island goals until it says wait for a news update[]


Please Sign if u were here.
15 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
9th Dec 2009 12:12

Plz just sign I wanna see how many peeps I can get to sign here. lol =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]

  1. Just my Luck!
    2nd Jun 2010 13:39
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  2. Scary Stories
    6th Feb 2010 02:58
    15 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
  3. Profile Siggys!
    31st Jan 2010 12:12
    15 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. 2010 Goals!
    2nd Jan 2010 05:02
    15 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  5. Please Sign if u were here.
    9th Dec 2009 12:12
    15 years, 3 months & 4 days ago