112 questions about ME! :]
15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

31st May 2009 12:07
1.] How much MP do you have now?
Check yourself! :] idk
2.] How much do you want?
90 million!
3.] Are you a boy or a girl?
4.] How old are you?
I don't know! :\
5.] Do you like Mara?
No! I hate it thats why i'm on here! :]
6.] How told you about it?
7.] Do you have pets?
on marapets yes! a cat a home :[ i don't like cats!
8.] Whats your favorite animal?
9.] How many friends do you have?
on mara...idk! off mara....a lot!
10.] Who is your best friend on Mara?
Alex,Peyton,Clo,Chim! ;] and more!
11.] If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?
Reading minds!
12.] Do you bump often?
13.] How many people do you think own a Mara account?
14.] Yes or no? You can trust people who lied for a good cause
15.] Do you like school?
16.] Why did you join Mara?
17.] Have you donated anything?
18.] Where do you live?
in a house
19.] Are you in a relationship?
20.] Do you like pizza?
21.] Yes or no? Love is non-existent, it's all about intimacy.
22.] Which Forum do you visit most?
Games,Restricted,Random Chat!
23.] Do you cry often?
24.] What's your favourite type of weather?
25.] Do you believe in online love?
heck no!
26.] Are you in an online relationship?
heck no!
27.] Yes or no? The inflation on items is fair
28.] Do you own a house?
no..a box though! :]
29.] What do you think of the war?
30.] Did you ever take a day off just to play Mara?
no! i don't work!
31.] Who's your favourite actor/actress?
Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway!
32.] What are you looking forward to?
Idk! i don't even know my plans for tomorrow!
33.] What kind of music do you hate?
34.] Are you a good or an evil person?
EVIL! jk Imma good girl!
35.] Can you burp the alphabet?
No :[[
36.] If not, would you like to? (If you can, post )
37.] What do you think of Oh1121?
I love myself! :]
38.] Yes or no? It's okay to be a nudist
39.] Would you identify with the statement: "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!"?
huh?! say that in words i can understand!
40.] What's your favourite donation item/Monthly collectible?
41.] Do you have that item?
42.] What is your character wearing?
A dress and shoes! :]
43.] What do you fear most?
idk! dying alone!
44.] What's your favourite type of music?
Pop! Popular Pop music!
45.] Do you like Comics?
not really!
46.] Yes or no? You would beat someone to smithereens if s/he said bad things about you?
47.] Where do you like to be?
I don't know!
48.] What's your favourite emotion?
*<:] party guy!
49.] Do you have a role model?
50.] Do you believe in the supernatural?
51.] Which sport(s) do you like most?
52.] What's the first letter of your username?
53.] Do you have a Dream Avi?
Avi?! whattT?!
54.] What would you do if you saw a dead (wo)man lying on the floor?
Scream my head off! run...then tell someone! they wouldn't believe me! :[ maybe Annaka!(friend) hahah
55.] Would you laugh at somebody if s/he was made fun of?"
It depends what they say!
56.] What are your hobbies?
Gymanstics...i want to start scrapbooking! my friend does it!
57.] What's your favourite movie?
Bride Wars,Confessions of a Shopaholic!
58.] Who's your favourite artist?
idk! not into painting! :]
59.] If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
better eyesight! :] i hate glasses! and my thunder thighs! haha
60.] Which emoticon have you probably used most since you joined?
61.] Yes or no? Fear is a weakness
62.] Have you entered one of the Arenas?
63.] What's your favourite game?
Mario Kart(Wii) Rock Band 2! (Wii)
64.] If you had to kill somebody, how would you do it?
I never would! :]
65.] Did you seriously answer the question above?
I guess so!
66.] What's your favourite activity on Mara?
Forums! Club Chat!
67.] Do you think the world is good as it is now?
Needs improvments!
68.] What/who do you like to watch most?
hmm..! Basketball?!
69.] What's your darkest secret?
You need to know that because....?
70.] What's ur favurite genre?
71.] What are you looking for in a partner?
Tall...er than me! Nice looking,smart,nice,funny,makes me smile!
72.] Yes or no? Compared to others, you act mature
73.] Who's your favourite person?
God! :] and the Fam!
74.] What's the strangest thing you can do?
let me think! ;]
75.] Are you proud of that?
I didn't tell you did I?
76.] Have you ever bitten someone else?
YeP! when i was little!
77.] Can you remember your last dream?
heck yea! it was a good one!
78.] What was it about? (If you can't remember, run around in circles panicing)
Should I tell you! It's part of my "Secret" <33
79.] As a child, what job did you want to have?
Fashion Designer!
80.] If you could give away 1 billion dollars/euros/whatever, but couldn't give it to yourself, to who/what would you donate it?
Charity! Doesn't matter which!
81.] Do you practice any kind of self-defense sport?
82.] If so, what? If not, would you like to?
i don't do KARATE!
83.] What's your favourite kind of flower?
84.] Are you afraid of sharks?
85.] Can you play any kind of musical instrument?
I think!
86.] If so, what? If not, would you like to?
Piano...i hated it!
87.] Are you introvert or extrovert?
that is....what?!
88.] Do you have white teeth?
kinda! not yellow! but not perfect white! :]
89.] Do you consider yourself to be polite?
90.] Ever pulled a prank on someone?
Haha! good times! :]
91.] Would you want to do that (again)?
92.] What colour is your skin?
RACISTS!!!!!! :[
93.] Do you think it's rude to fart/burp in public?
yeah! haha
94.] Did you ever yell at your teacher?
No way!
95.] Ever used rubber gloves?
Yea! Who hasn't?
96.] Do you prefer to wear tight or loose clothes?
well?! Idk both!
97.] Ever wanted something badly but couldn't have it?
98.] What/who was it?
99.] Which of the 7 deadly sins does probably correspond to you most?
let me think!
100.] And which of the 7 virtues?
101.] Are you bored yet?
Heck yes!
102.] Are you listening to music at the moment?
Yes! Boom Boom Pow-Black Eyed Peas
103.] Why are you taking this quiz?
I thought it would be fun! I was wrong...
104.] When you eat breakfast, it usually consists of...?
...I get up at 10:00(usually) so I just wait for lunch!
105.] What do you think of vegetarians?
I don't care! they can eat what they want!
106.] Which country do you hate most?
107.] And which do you like most?
108.] What are you really good at?
109.] Do you think others would be jealous of that?
oh yeah! they know they want me for my body! ;]
110.] How many hours a day do you sleep?
111.] What's your shoe size?
7 and a half!
112.] Is that normal to you?
There you go! :] Enjoyyyy! *<:]