16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago

12th Dec 2008 17:23
How many 0's go into 1?
Are you from Idahoe?
answer=I'm from udahoe!?!?!
Your mama so stanky, she has has to sneak up on the bath water.
Your mama is so stupid she put paper on the TV and called it paper view.
Your mama so fat she has more chins than a hong kong phone book.
Your mama so ugly she made jesus cry!!?!?!!?
your mama so fat her nickname is "lardo"
your mama so fat when she stepped on the scale she broke it.
yo mama is so nasty when i called her to say hello she ended up given me a ear infection
yo mama is so ugly, when she looked out the window and she got arrested for mooning.
yo mama is so ugly they filmed 'gorilas in the mist' in her shower.
yo mama is so old she sat next to jesus in 3rd grade
yo mama is so ugly, when the kool aid man busted through the wall he said "oh no!"
yo mama is so dirty she makes mud look clean!
your mama is so harry that bigfoot took her picture.
your mama hair is soooo nappy that she has to take tynlenol to comb her hair!!!!!!!