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  1. My life adoptable- Paintbrush pets
    16th Nov 2008 04:08
    16 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  2. The triple lati team member
    16th Oct 2008 06:58
    16 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  3. My Mara Adoptable
    6th Oct 2008 04:20
    16 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  4. my pets named cuz...
    4th Oct 2008 00:58
    16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  5. whislist from serveral members
    3rd Oct 2008 18:45
    16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  6. what was your pet's costume
    3rd Oct 2008 06:32
    16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
My life adoptable- Paintbrush pets
16 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
16th Nov 2008 04:08

Made by by : glowingfassie

Dear marapets players, I'll introduce you an adoptable named paintbrush pets. It named then because i made it on paint. It was not an ordinary adoptable, but it was life. It can sick, hungry, fall in love, pregnant, work, unhappy, and more ! we uses our own currency that not spending your mp. We use the currency : PD - paintbrush dollar
to gain that currency, your pet must work hard for salary and from your office your pet could find some friends or even have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Your pet can build a nice shop that restock from public shops and go to school too. There was zoo, aquarium, supermarket, bank, hospital, school, cinemas, malls, and more.

paintbrush pets cost 5k mp (will change later) and when you have a child, the member that will keep the child must pay 5k

Q : Can i trade my pets/items with others ?
A : Sure ! use this blog as paintbrush pets forum and mm me if you does so

Q : Can i buy PD from another owner for mp ?
A : feel free to do it. Inform me to change your PD amount

Q : Where i could go to the public places ?
A : We still working on the site, so we will sell items by auction in this blog

Q : how do i know the condition of my pet ?
A : there are 2 ways, 1. i will send you newsletters 2. made a special blog so i'll comment regulary and please check

Q : Why there are recreation parks there ?
A : to made your pets happy because if your pets is unhappy, he/she will run away

Q : How do you remember who was the owners of paintbrush pets ?
A : I will make a blog in mistycalclover's account to remember that

we have some staffs and we will looking for more soon
Staffs :
1. Glowingfassie - graphic designer and site editing job
2. Rosellyn (me) - the person who giving news about your paintbrush pets
3. Mistycalclover - she will give her max 12 blogs to be our temporary public places and she giving info like me
4. sweetheartmelodies - she will be the one helping about ideas

The triple lati team member
16 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
16th Oct 2008 06:58

oops, image will be edited and will coming soon

please don't steal, or i'll report you. image made by kathylilia 99,8% me 0,1% and littleskitty 0,1% (me and skitty only give ideas, he he he)

called : Kathy
nick : Graphic Goddess
Costume : Earthfairy
talent : her graphic talent was amazing, that siggy up there only takes her about 5 minutes to made, lol and she always beat us at a graphic contest and usually her drawing get 17-18/20 votes. and her gardening talents nice, and her sport was nice too. and don't forgot her computer talent, it was amazing
fave programs : Ms paint, adobe phothoshop, ulead gif animator 5
fave games : The sims 2, the sims 3(aww, i luv the snapshot and all member can't wait til it released ) farm frenzy, home sweet home
fave site : marapets, ponyisland, wikipedia (=3)
fave food : "Xiao long bao" that small cute dumplings
fave lesson : Science <3, math (just kidding she hate math, computer, sport
fave color : nature colors, and pink

comment :
me : thanks for the icefairy lati !!!! you drawn it really good ! i like the pretty short blue hair, and the sweet crown, the bracelets, and i extremely love the sweet looking lati face. thank you !!!!!
skitty : aww, cute siggy for us. And few months again the sims 3 released ! hip hip horay ! well for your nice job, the prize is : USE MY ACCOUNT FOR 1 DAY !! you'll love it !

Rosellyn (me)
called : rose
nick : Active member
costume : ice fairy (aww, it's cute !!!wink.gif
talent : me ? some graphic and making friends talent, or
maybe my talent of Ms publisher
fave programs : Ms paint, adobe photoshop (don't be kidding, i even couldn't make a new pic with the color blue)
fave games : too much to tell. my faves are the sims 2 and the sims 3 with only see it snapshot
fave site : marapets, pokeplushies =3
fave food : M-U-F-F-I-N-S-!
fave lesson : science, and computer
fave color : green, cream, yellow,and blue

comment :
kathy : just cry ! miss missing no at pokeplushies uses glitch now, this is the info i've got yesterday
skitty : ow, so pokeplushies have glitch ?

Littleskitty :
called : skitty
nick : Mad Pokemonist (hehehe, i made that thought)
costume : firefairy (she changed it)
talent : play pokemon, she was amazing in that lol
fave programs : Ms paint
fave games : pokemon, the sims 2 and the sims 3
fave food : Strawberry cheese cake, yum
fave lesson : computer, science
fave color : blue, green, purple

comment :
kathy : thanks for the account using prize !
rose : about pokemon, help me finishing pokemon fire red victory road pllz

My Mara Adoptable
16 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
6th Oct 2008 04:20

welcome !
please click
read all to
get the examples
and form
it were priced 1k
if you want it free,
press ctrl+w at the
same place
well, please buy
1 and keep it


examples are at my profiles
form :
breed (real pet+mara breed) :
costume (i accept customs) :

A: how do i pay ?
Q: please buy a item from my shop

A: can i buy it as a present ?
Q: sure, please post the people
U wanna to give and maybe their
fave thing and i'll made
special things for them

A: can you made animation ?
Q: 1 only for a day !

my pets named cuz...
16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
4th Oct 2008 00:58

My_Sweet_Carmel :
Carmel is a nickname of a cute green turtle at my school. His real name was caramel. Now he was died, so to memorized him, i made this green leido.

Sweet_Ponie :
I loves white horses so much !!!! she were looks really like kinda sweet white horses

Little_gumball :
Gumball is my gold fish name. it dead because a disease. so i made a yellow equilor to memorized it but it changed to a ninja equilor at the portal.

Little_ABC :
ABC were the name of my friend's blue bear doll that have superb education. I just try to make it at marapets

whislist from serveral members
16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
3rd Oct 2008 18:45

[x] have 300k*completed by kathylilia*
[] have 1 mil mp
[x] have a ninja pet*by me*
[] have an earthfairy pet
[x] have a lightfairy pet*serebii-chan owned by kathy*
[x] have a baby pet *thanks luppunyxdragonair*
[] have an icefairy pet
[] have a pixie pet
[x] have a firefairy pet *kathy, thanks ! E : I've got 1 too*
[x] get a DNA*by me*
[x] get a chibi*by kathylilia*
[] get a pixel
[] get a floss
[x] get a peiko*kathylilia*
[] get a plynx
[x] get a pearl that sold at upgrades*kathylilia*
[] buy a pearl from Rapunzel's tower
[] own lati
[] own mordo
[] own yuni
[] own ecruw
[x] run a adoptie*me!*
[] get the staff of light fairy
[] get 50 fassie adoptable
[] get a collection of muffins
wish us luck, ok ? biggrin.gif

  1. My life adoptable- Paintbrush pets
    16th Nov 2008 04:08
    16 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  2. The triple lati team member
    16th Oct 2008 06:58
    16 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  3. My Mara Adoptable
    6th Oct 2008 04:20
    16 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  4. my pets named cuz...
    4th Oct 2008 00:58
    16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  5. whislist from serveral members
    3rd Oct 2008 18:45
    16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  6. what was your pet's costume
    3rd Oct 2008 06:32
    16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago