Which one of my friends are you?
16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago

21st Aug 2008 14:21
Yea it's a little quiz I made up if a answer isn't there that you like, pick the one closest:
What would you say about yourself:
(A) I'm always easy to amuse


I know im strange

(C) You say im strange, I say that's why im cool
(D) I'm not as normal as everyone thinks
Pet Peeve:
(A) People that try and make me do something

People that are annoying
(C) Girly things
(D) People that think im annoying
Favorite colors:
(A) A lot

Green and Orange
(C) Green, Black, White who knows, maybe more
(D) Blue and purple
Any instrements (yea i know i spelled it wrong) you like:
(A) I'm obsessed with singing, & drums are ok too

Electric Guitar
(C) Drums, Bass, Guitar
(D) Flute and singing
If a crazy guy came up to you and stole your most favored thing with you watching, what's your reaction:
(A) Run after him shouting "Give me it back!" and when you get to him keep telling him to give it back

Scream in terror and i'd like to hit him but i'd be too afraid because he's crazy
(C) Run after him, when i get up to him grab on to it, yank it and when I get it back shout "What was that for?"
(D) Shout "Hey, give me that!" Run after him and yank the thing until he let go, if he tried to fight me fight back, I know karate!
Favorite websites:
(A) Runescape and Gaia

Myspace, Marapets, Quibblo
(C) Marapets and Myspace
(D) Sliced bread is sliceds
If you answered mainly A's your most like Alyssa, she's not really my friend but used to be untill she got all crazy, she's really hyper with a tendency to laugh @ nothing and cry at anything that's no big deal, not saying your like that too but that's just her
If you got mainly B's your most like my BFF Mallory (cocomonkey511 on marapets) she's one of the most entertaining people ever and she's a half rock fan and half hip-hop/rap fan, she's a tomboy but kinda acts girly @ times but she's still great
If you got mainly C's your mostly like me yea I know I'm not much of a answer but I couldn't think of anybody else so I just put me, as you can guess I'm a tomboy that dresses kinda girly (ok maybe a lot) and a big music fan
If you got mainly D's your mostly like my friend Parish she's one of those girls that has a good sense of humor but is really calm (kinda like me so that's why we get along) she's a country and pop fan but her dad supports more of the rock side cause he was in a rock band when he was a teen (not famous but you get the point) but anyways she's a really good singer
I know random quiz, I was just bored