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  1. No wonder I love Texas!!
    10th Jun 2009 17:07
    15 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  2. Friends/guestbook
    3rd Apr 2009 15:48
    15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
No wonder I love Texas!!
15 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
10th Jun 2009 17:07

Why? Here's why:
All George Strait's exes live here! =)
Country Singer's commonly refer to San Antonio,a Texas city, in their songs
Texas was once their own country,and might secede.
the Texan flag is the only flag that can fly at the same heighth as the American flag
Texas is so big it's in 2 time zones,the only state that is.
The Tower of America's is in San Antonio.
Texas is the Alamo. Texas is 183 men standing to give their lives to be their own country. Texas is a General drwing a line in the sand,and all but 1 coward crossing over to fight,or die trying, when they could've run and hid,but stayed and faced over 1,000 mexicans for what they belived in.
Texas has been part of 6 countries.
The only place in the world where they make Dr. Pepper according to the original formula is in Dublin, Texas.
Cause "God blessed Texas with his own hands if you wanna see Heaven brother here's your chance!!"
Everyone can pick Texas out on a map.
Every kid on the plant,idc who you are, has wished just for a second to be a real Texan cowboy/girl. There's a little Texan in everyone.
Texas is Sam Housten capturing Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at San Jacintio
Texas is breathtaking mountains in the big bend and huge,piney forests.
Texas is the beutifal,warm beaches of the Gulf of Mexico
Texas is mexican food like no where else,not even Mexico itself.
Texas is the home of larger-then-life legends such as both George Bush's, George Strait, Sam Housten, ZZ top,and hundreds others.
Texas is the home of NASA
Texas is huge herds of cows in huge, grassy fields,and miles of crops.
Texas is the best sunsets EVER.
Texas is deer,squirles, and Bunny's running wild.
To drive across Texas is to drive across 1/3 of the U.S.
Texas is city's and town's shutting down to watch the Cowboy's friday night and to watch the River parade.
Texas is the Spurs,Longhorns, aggie's and Cowboys.
If it is't already in Texas you don't need it.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, does it bigger and better then in Texas.
Being a Texan down here is as high,if not higher, then being an American.
We could devide into 5 states at anytime if we choose to.
Our capitol is taller then the national capitol.
Did I mention.. were the live music capitol of the world?
Texas even has it's own power grid!
Houston, Texas, is also home of the world-famous Astrodome. The Astrodome was the world's first all-purpose, air-conditioned domed stadium.
The colors in the Texas flag, red, white and blue, symbolize bravery, liberty and loyalty, respectively.
Texas is home to mountain lions, bobcats, coyote and red wolves, as well as 400 species of birds
Texas produces more fuel, including petroleum and natural gas, than any other state.
Texas has four national forests (Angelina, Davy Crockett, Sabine and Sam Houston), two national parks (Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountains), one national seashore (Padre Island), one national preserve (the Big Thicket), two national recreation areas (Amistad and Lake Meredith) and one national monument (Alibates Flint Quarries).
With more than 267,000 square miles, Texas is as large as all of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois combined.
So let me get a big heck ya from the tru blu Texans like me!!
Heck ya!!
If your a tru blu Texan you wont even have to be told to pass this on.
This whole thing was written by ilovefrogs23

15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
3rd Apr 2009 15:48

ok first of all i would like to say that if anyone want's to be my friend,I wil be more then happy to accept!! I love friends and I LOVE chatting about anything pleaase mail me right now I only have two friends who I mail just about everyday (thanks gummgumm and gigi,love ya!!wink.gif and I really want some more!1 I love my friends but mara gets boring when neither of them are on!!!!!!
Second,I would like to make a request for a club invite. i REALLY want to join a club but I have had a lot of clubs in the pat that haven't been the best so really talk up your club!!!!
that's it, and don't forget to sign this guest book!!!

  1. No wonder I love Texas!!
    10th Jun 2009 17:07
    15 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  2. Friends/guestbook
    3rd Apr 2009 15:48
    15 years, 11 months & 9 days ago