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  1. Mans best friend
    1st Oct 2008 09:04
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
    7th Sep 2008 05:39
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
Mans best friend
16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
1st Oct 2008 09:04

a dog sits waiting
in the hot midday sun
too faithful to leave
too frightened to run

he???s been there for days now
with nothing to do
but sit by the road
just waiting for you

he can???t understand
why you left him that day
he thought you were stopping
to take him to play

he???s sure you???ll come back
and that???s why he stays
how long can he suffer?
how many more days?

his legs have grown weak
his throat???s parched and dry
he???s sick now from hunger
he falls with a sigh

he lays down his head
and closes his eyes
i wish you could see
how a waiting dog dies


16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
7th Sep 2008 05:39

Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I kissed
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbor
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29-------a surfer
30-------a llama
31-------A homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.

Brown---------because I can..
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!

"I licked my neighbour because I'm sexy and I can do what I want" LOLLOL

  1. Mans best friend
    1st Oct 2008 09:04
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
    7th Sep 2008 05:39
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago