16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

9th Jan 2009 15:51
HELLO there,
yes I've realized that I have a love for the environment. If you also have this same love then comment here if you dont then you can also comment here but be warned!
1. consider a laptop they save space and use 5 times less
2.if every u.s. home replaced a regular bulb for a energy
star bulb we'd save enough energy to light 3 million
homes for a year.
3.unplug electronic devices when not in use. If you don't
unplug them they will continue using energy when
switched off
4.put plants in your rooms they cheer up the place and
improve air quality
5.for cleaning your house use vinegar, baking soda, and
biodegradable soap products. They work fine and keep
chemicals out of the water supply.
6.RECYCLE! if everyone in the u.s recycled half of their
annual waste, we would recycle a 280 million ton
mountain of trash the equivalent of 550 Epire State
7.did you know most of melbornes subberbs used to be forests ?
so if u live in 1 of them go green stay clean