16 years, 1 month & 29 days ago

14th Jan 2009 17:39
Lets get this straight, I do love Twilight. I read all 4 books. I even wasted 2 hours to see the movie.
I find Twilight and all the books following it enjoyable.
Still, there are some things that bother me about it.
Bella, throught the whole book, is portrayed as being "plain". Yet, she has 3 boys falling all over her. And then with her plain looks she manages to steal the "perfect" and unresistable Edward Cullen. Jessica, in my mind, had a better chance of being with Edward.
Then, Bella is portrayed as a clumsy, though mature teenager. The only way that she is mature is that she cooks breakfast for Charlie and is apparantly an ideal child to have around the. Another point is Bella's almost disgusting clumssiness. Through this she is more often portrayed as a damsel in distress.
The clumsiness is not a nice or cute touch.
I actually prefered if my so called soulmate didn't fall every two seconds.
Then, the plot is somewhat too fanfic for me.
I mean, it really does sound like a fanfic of Anne Rice's vampires stories.
And then, the last book is almost sickening.
The writing is somehwta good.
Thought the ending suprised me. I actually expected for something to happen. the volturi to fight, not to simply back off.
Then comes Bella's perfect daughter, who apprantly is very well behaved and doesn't need any parenting at all.
And did I mention that the child eats her way out of Bella?
The whole chapetr is filled with things liek that, Bella's spine breaking and lots of blood.
Oh speaking of blood, when in the womb the child must have blood to survive, thus forcing Bella to drink blood from a cup.
I for one, am disgusted by blood. I simply cannot stand it.
The aspect of actually drinking it made me pale and slightly light headed while reading.
Then in comes Jacob. Throught the whole series, almost, Bella tortured him, mercifuless. She makes him love her, just so that she can hear Edward's "voice" in her head, then she breaks his heart.
Even in the fourth book, she makes him stay with her.
Maybe its because I'm on Team Jacob. Maybe thats the reason I feel so strongly about this.
Then comes the /killer/ plot.
Its simple, the ending to the last book was terrible.
There really was no point to have the Volturi raise a huge army just so they can come and chat with the Cullens.
Why was there no fight?
Nothing, oh and then Bella is apparantly so strong taht she fends off the Volturi all by herself.
She's a big girl now.
Ohh and to touch on the Mary-Sueness of this.
Bella, is apprantly so amazing that she is the all powerfull shield. Ohh and she becomes even more beautiful.
Again, I still love Twilight.
I'm still a Team Jacob fanatic.
Yes, i do love Edward's hair in the movie.