16 years, 3 months & 25 days ago

30th Nov 2008 03:20
I entered XxFassieQueenxX into the operations portal today, and she turned into a BLACK SPEIRO! I hate this, is so unfair, i wish she would have turned into a nice colour at least nevermind a nice looking pet, her name doesn't even make sense anymore, many people by now would have given up on the portal, but ill carry on and see if it changes her bak (fingers crossed people!

16 years & 4 months ago

25th Nov 2008 12:06
I created a new pet today, a blue fasoro called XxFassieQueenxX, I enterd her into the operations protal and she turnd green

x I'm going to make her my dominant pet, she's going to be the cleverest and the most cared for pt in the whole of the Marapet World
