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  1. Just how blonde I am 18-38
    30th Nov 2008 20:16
    16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  2. A lil bit bout me
    21st Oct 2008 20:07
    16 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. Read the lyrics and weep
    14th Aug 2008 14:21
    16 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  4. Finding my Mom
    2nd Aug 2008 08:14
    16 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
Just how blonde I am 18-38
16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
30th Nov 2008 20:16

[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking.
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking.
[] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[]You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks.

[] You have ran into a tree.
[] It IS possible to lick your elbow
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x]You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.
[] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.
[]You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it.
[x] You didn't notice that in the last question "the" was spelled twice
[x] You just looked at it.
[x]Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde.
[]People have called you slow.
total so far=7

[] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes/cheek.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x} You've fallen asleep in class
[] If someone says "fart" you laugh.
[] You just laughed.
total so far=2

[] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[] You tell a story and forget what you were talking about
[] People are often shaking their heads and walking away from you
[]You are often told to use your "inside voice".
[x]You use your fingers to do simple math.
total so far=1

[x]You have eaten a bug.
[]You are taking this test when you should be doing something important
[] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket
total so far=2

[] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[] Your friends know not to use big words around you
[x] You sometimes tilt your head when you're confused
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before
[] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling
total so far=3

A lil bit bout me
16 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
21st Oct 2008 20:07

Here is a bit bout me. (Place an x on all that apply)
() Smoked a cigarette
() Drank so much you threw up
() Crashed a friend's car
() Stolen a car
() Been in love
(X) Been dumped
() Shoplifted
() Been laid off/fired /dormant company
() Quit your job
(x) Been in a fist fight
() Snuck out of your parent's house
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
() Been arrested
() Gone on a blind date
() Been married
(x) Lied to a friend
(x) Skipped school
() Seen someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
() Been on the opposite side of the country
() Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
() Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
() Sang karaoke
() Been divorced
() Paid for a meal with only coins
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) Made prank phone calls
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
() Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Clause
() Been kissed under mistletoe
() Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles
() Made a bonfire on the beach
() Crashed a party
() Gone roller-skating
() Ice-skating

Any nicknames?
Beaner, Low rider, we-we, wiener,ziener,crispy, crispy cream

What is your favorite drink?


do ears count? both are pierced twice

How much do you love your job?
Hey i'm only in middle school I don't have one

New Mexico

Favorite vacation spot?

Ever been to Africa?
I wish

Ever steal any traffic signs?
no but my brother has lol

Ever been in a car?
Of course!

Salad dressing?
low fat ranch

Favorite pie?

Favorite number?
12, 7

Favorite movie?
Conair, Boys in the hood

Favorite holiday

Favorite food?

Favorite day of the week?

Favorite brand of body soap?

Favorite TV show?
Degrassi, Charmed

Favorite smell?
The smell when u go outside after it rains, my ninos cologne

What do you do to relax?
listen to music, write

Message to your friends reading this?
Yes, I know you love me because i'm a dork!

How do you see yourself in 10 years?
GOing to colledge

What time is it now?
around 9 pm


Read the lyrics and weep
16 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
14th Aug 2008 14:21

Dad, if you happen to see this read it and finaly see how I feel.Although this is sung by Good Charlotte it describes me you and mom in so many ways.

Hey Dad,
I'm writing to you,
Not to tell you that I still hate you.
Just to ask you how you feel
And how we fell apart,
How this fell apart.

Are you happy out there in this great wide world?
Do you think about your sons?
Do you miss your little girl?
When you lay your head down,
How do you sleep at night?
Do you even wonder if we're alright?

But we're alright,
We're alright...

Its been a long hard road without you by my side.
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried?
You broke my mother's heart,
You broke your children for life.
Its not okay,
But we're all right.
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes,
But Those are just a long lost memory of mine.
I spent so many years learning how to survive,
Now I'm writing just to let you know I'm still alive.

The days I spent so
Cold; so hungry,
Were full of hate,
I was so angry
The scars run deep inside this tatooed body,
There's things I'll take to my grave,
But I'm Okay, I'm Okay.

Its been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay,
But we're alright
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine,
Now I'm writing just to let you know im still alive,
And I'm still alive.

And Sometimes I forgive
Yeah, and this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you,
Said I miss you

Its been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay,
But we're all right
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But Those are just a long lost memory of mine,
Now im writing to just let you know im still alive

And sometimes I forgive,
And this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you,I miss you,
Hey Dad...

Finding my Mom
16 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
2nd Aug 2008 08:14

She is far away in a distante place
but my heart feel like it's only a beat away
I close my eyes to picture
her holding me tight

I can't wait to hear my mommys voice,
to view her beautiful smile,
but most of all
to feel her tender touch wipe all of my pain away

For the first time ever
when my mommas finger tips brush against my cheeks
her breath will smell fresh,
her vains will be smooth,
and the outcome will be worth the struggle and wait

  1. Just how blonde I am 18-38
    30th Nov 2008 20:16
    16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  2. A lil bit bout me
    21st Oct 2008 20:07
    16 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. Read the lyrics and weep
    14th Aug 2008 14:21
    16 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  4. Finding my Mom
    2nd Aug 2008 08:14
    16 years, 7 months & 11 days ago