16 years, 4 months & 30 days ago

19th Oct 2008 20:43
This is my blob blog where you can buy a blob. My blobs are 1,ooo mp. You can also add a little tip if you want but i am not asking for one. Here are my rules. Please be nice when you order one and don't be rude if i can't make it right away. Also try to stick to the form. I am busy Monday-Friday so i will do the best I can with this. If It starts to be a problem i will shut down. Don't beg and don't rush me. If you rush me i will take longer and your blob won't turn out great maybe. It may take me a few minutes or longer depending on what you order. If you have read all this post I agree somewhere in you oder.
Blob color:
Back round?:
Holding anything?:
Read this and Follow Please
16 years, 10 months & 15 days ago

3rd May 2008 09:24
Maramail:Ya just dont send me junk mail
Club Invites:No!!
Marapal:Not unless I know you
Pet Trades:NO I love my pets