attenti0n every0ne..=)
15 years, 10 months & 27 days ago

20th Apr 2009 23:57
guyz...try to add me..
i might be ur great friend here..
~>i can d0 trades..
~>pet trades...(it depends 0n the pet u want)...
~>send y0u an item if i'm 0n d m0od..
~>heLp y0u when y0u need heLp..
~>try 2 Lo0k at my shop..ask me what y0u want and we'LL taLk ab0ut the price..=)
~> have a Nice day every0ne..=p <~
By the way...
datz aLL..=)
just mm me..
and j0in 0ur cLub..named rand0m cLub..=)
tnx 4 ur attenti0n everyb0dy..=)
p0st a c0mment 0n what y0u think..=)
i really love marapets!!!
15 years, 11 months & 24 days ago

23rd Mar 2009 21:04
hi if you want a trade just say so...
if n0t...
then its ok...
i need a christmas treasure map 1 and 6..
you can donate it...
and i might send you gifts as a thank you..=)
thats aLL tnx...