Pet Status
15 years, 10 months & 14 days ago

29th Apr 2009 00:20
My Pets:
Baylien the prison kidlet.. (pronounced Bay-lee-en)
Will trade for a good offer
Bennnie the dark bolimo...(pronounced Ben-ey)
Will consider trading or lending
Bysinemial the millionare equilor... (pronounced By-sinn-ee-mee-al) Will more than likely trade
CoconutPaw the angel knutt.. (prounounced coco-nut-paw)
Will probably not trade
Derramas the earthfairy fasoro... (pronounced de-rrar-mas)
Will probably trade
Filero the yakubi... (pronounced fee-lerr-o)
Will probably not trade
Krizabella the poera... (pronounced kriz-a-bella)
will not trade
Lady_Moolah the sindi.. (pronounced laydee- mooola)
Will not trade
Mayleanea the ushunda... (pronounced may-lee-an-ee-ah)
will probably trade
16 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

22nd May 2008 23:46
Please do not ban my account if i log onto another ip, or another user logs onto mine. Many of my friends have marapets, so this may cause them to log into my computer. I use other computers at school/librarys, etc.
Note- I may also log onto my mobile phone, which doesn't use an ip.