i'm a happy only child
15 years & 10 months ago

12th May 2009 21:29
i'm glad i don't have sibling..........cause people suck.
if you don't conform to people's ideas they hate at you.
you know who i'm talking ms.cali.......how dare people try to hate on her for airing her personal beliefs. i think is stupid that these critics

are trying to enforce and bully their beliefs on her.

seems like they would have prefered her to lie.....
the truth seems to be a bitter pill to swallow

10 million in bank account
16 years, 2 months & 16 days ago

27th Dec 2008 19:51
i am trying to reach multimillionaire status in my bank account.

i told myself if you can't be one in real try to make it on marapets.

i already have a few millions already

also in real

but that's my 'so called daddy who helped make me' money

Money money ........all i can think about lately is COACH BAGS GUCCI BAGS BOTTEGA VENETA BAGS and CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTINE..........gimme more